双语阅读:化妆令女人更成功? 美丽的代价和收益


摘要:据《纽约时报》消息,《实验心理学季刊》曾在2014年刊登过一项研究,研究发现男性和女性参与者都认为淡妆状态下的女性颜值最高。2012年的另一项研究则表明淡妆不仅让女性更好看,还让她们看起来更讨人喜欢和能干。以下是小编整理的英语双语文摘:化妆令女人更成功? 美丽的代价和收益, 希望对你会有所收获。


Have you heard of the “makeup tax”? It refers to the time and money women spend on theirappearances in the hopes of doing well at work. Many career women fear that if they don’t live upto society’s expectations, they will lose out on promotions and pay raises.

化妆令女人更成功? 美丽的代价和收益


The “makeup tax” affects a lot of women. US presidential candidate and former secretary of stateHillary Clinton is no exception. Last month, in an online Q&A session on Facebook, Clinton wasasked about her morning grooming routine by Libby Brittain, a female Facebook staffer. Brittaincomplained that she has to spend more than 30 minutes getting ready for work while herboyfriend “zip[s] out the door”.


“I wonder about how the ‘hair and makeup tax’ affects other women–especially ones I admire inhigh-pressure, public-facing jobs,” wrote Brittain, who added that as a “young professionalwoman” she’d like to know how Clinton handles it while “staying focused on the ‘real’ workahead”.


Clinton acknowledged that the “makeup tax” is a problem. “Amen, sister,” she wrote in heranswer. “It’s a daily challenge. I do the best I can –and as you may have noticed, some days arebetter than others!”


Olga Khazan, writing in The Atlantic, thinks Clinton shouldn’t have treated the question solightheartedly. The “makeup tax” is very real, Khazan says. Women invest time and money intomakeup because it impacts their relationships and their careers. Men also use grooming products,but they never have to worry about the price of makeup.


According to a Washington Post report, the cosmetics industry makes $60 billion (384 billionyuan) each year in the US. The personal finance website Mint.com claims that the average USwoman will spend $15,000 on makeup in her lifetime. Applying makeup also costs time. If it takesyou an average of 10 minutes to apply makeup every morning before going to work, that’s anhour per week, or two full days per year.


Critics might say, “Just don’t wear makeup!” But few people can afford to ignore society’sexpectations. Years of research have shown that attractive people earn more, yet men aren’texpected to wear makeup in order to look good.


According to The New York Times, a 2014 study published in the Quarterly Journal ofExperimental Psychology found that both male and female participants thought “regular” womenlooked best when they applied a moderate amount of makeup. Another 2012 study found thatsubtle makeup made women seem not only attractive, but more likable and competent. A 2006study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology found that participants were morelikely to award “prestigious jobs” to women who used makeup than to the same women whentheir faces were unadorned.


“I wish society didn’t reward this,” Daniel Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University ofTexas at Austin and author of Beauty Pays, told The New York Times. “I think we’d be a fairerworld if beauty were not rewarded, but it is.”


