英 ['helθɪ] 美 ['hɛlθi]adj. 健康的,健全的;有益于健康的
1.ADJ Someone who is healthy is well and is not suffering from any illness. 健康的
例:Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy.
2.ADJ A healthy amount of something is a large amount that shows success. 可观的
例:He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year.
3.ADJ If you have a healthy attitude about something, you show good sense. 明智的
例:She has a refreshingly healthy attitude to work.
healthy 的词有 10 对英语反义词参考:
ill 的反义词是 healthy
ill: 有病的
healthy: 健康的
sick 的反义词是 well , healthy
sick: 生病的
well,healthy: 健康的
sickness 的反义词是 healthy
sickness: 生病
healthy: 健康
arthritic 的反义词是 healthy
arthritic: adj suffering from or caused by arthritis 患关节炎的; 关节炎造成的: arthritic hands, pains 患关节炎的手, 疼痛.
healthy: adj.健康的
asthmatic 的反义词是 healthy
asthmatic: adj of or suffering from asthma 气喘的; 患气喘病的: asthmatic pains 气喘疼痛 * an asthmatic child 患气喘病的儿童. n person suffering from asthma 气喘病患者.
healthy: adj.健康的
blebby 的反义词是 healthy
healthy: adj.健康的
bloodshot 的反义词是 healthy
bloodshot: adj (of eyes) red because of swollen or broken blood-vessels (指眼睛)(因肿胀或布满血丝)通红的, 充血的: His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep. 他因缺少睡眠而两眼通红.
healthy: adj.健康的
caseous 的反义词是 healthy
healthy: adj.健康的
cankerous 的反义词是 healthy
cankerous: adj of, like or causing canker 溃疡的; 似溃疡的; 引起溃疡的.
healthy: adj.健康的
carbuncled 的反义词是 healthy
healthy: adj.健康的