



Han Meimei and Li Lei arrive at Han’s home.

H; Why don’t you have a look at my new home. Come on in.


L: Thank you. Small but comfortable. I have to live on campus.


H: Then you have the chance to know more people.


L: That’s true.


H: Make yourself at home. Tea or coffee?


L: Just water, please. Thank you.


H: Excuse me for a second. I need to check my email,


L: Don’t mind me.


(After a while)


H: It’s my older cousin, she complains about her life, again.


L: Does she encounter a lot of setbacks?


H: Not really. She’s a graduate student. She said she's in a dilemma. She wants to focus on study but worries about her future because her classmates seem busy with making money.


L: I have some Chinese friends at Harvard graduate schools. They told me that that their friends in China are also facing the same problem now. They are scatterbrained.


H: I can’t understand. Students are supposed to study.


L: You’re too young to understand. Let me put it this way, your cousin is a graduate. She may feel guilty not to make money at her age. You see? Someone told me that the academic atmosphere in China is far from good, so they chose to study abroad.

L:你还太年轻。这么说吧,你表姐现在是研究生了,她可能觉得到她这个年龄还设 有赚钱,有点愧疚。明白吗?国内的学术氛围不是很好,所以他们选择出国留学。

H: Maybe it’s too much for me. Fm still a high school student.


L: Let me tell you a story first. Several years ago, Harvard Divinity Scholl enrolled a student what was a little weird. He had actually been admitted by MIT and Juilliard School. If he went to either, he would have a “profitable” future.

L:给你先先讲个故事。几年前,哈佛神学院招收了一个有点奇怪的学生,他其实已经 同时被麻省理工大学和朱莉亚音乐学院录取了,不管去哪个学校,都会很有"钱” 途。

H: Definitely! Did he go nuts? He might not even find a job after graduating from Divinity School.


L: He’s absolutely more clear-headed than any of us. He knew what he wanted. He said he was young and could make money later. Now he just wanted to know more about God, and human beings. That’s the ideology he,d like to follow for the rest of his life.

L:他绝对比我们任何人都清醒。他知道他想要什么,他说自己还很年轻,钱可以以 后再赚,现在他只想更了解上帝和人,这是他一生都想要追寻的思想。

H: Few people nowadays have such a state of mind.


L: He was just an extreme example of Harvard students. I'm telling you Harvard students are sometime crazy about academy and ideals.

L:他只是哈佛学生的一个极端例子,我是想告诉你哈佛学生对学术和理想是多么痴 狂0

H: What Chinese students lack is this state of mind. They are torn between academic studies and material lures,and often yield to material lures.

H:中国学生缺少的就是这种心态,他们在学术和物质诱惑之间挣扎,经常是向物质 诱惑投降。

L: We cannot totally lay the blame on students. They are sometimes taught to pursue material gains.


H: I agree with you. I heard that a university in Shanghai asked its students to learn from an alumnus who is now a government official. Being an official or making a lot of money seems to the symbol of success now in China,

H:我同意你的说法。听说上海有所大学出了个政府官员,学校就号召学生向这个官 员学习。好像现在在中国,当官或赚钱成了成功的标志了。

L: The university should implant students minds with these ideas brazenly. How could such education produce students who respect and promote truth.

L:学校竟然这样明目张胆地向学生灌输这种思想。这样的教育怎么培养得出崇尚真 理的学生呢。

H: My cousin told me that often they can’t find their teachers for many are indulging in making money. After class, they just go to TV shows, or attend other activities to earn extra money. Don’t Harvard professors do this?

H:我表姐告诉我她们经常找不到老师,因为好多老师都在忙于赚钱。课后,他们就 跔去上节目或参加其他迗动赚外快。哈佛的教授不这么做吗?

L: I,m not sure. But according to my observation, more professors are dedicated to academy and researches.


H: Whatever you say, we are powerless and standing alone, and can’t make a difference.


L: Things change. We can’t jump to conclusion.


H: Anyway, we must carry forward the spirit of pursuing truth.


L: When you go to Harvard, what you’ll learn is not just knowledge, but a kind of spirit that will benefit the rest of your life.


