


有关于英语故事短文:The Drugs Keep Coming

Because it won't decriminalize drugs, the US government allows drug dealers to make billions of dollars annually. The government continues to pursue and arrest millions of marijuana and cocaine users every year. The government says that marijuana and cocaine are so dangerous and addictive that they must remain illegal. However, it has long legalized alcohol and tobacco, two products which kill hundreds of thousands of Americans annually. Meanwhile, because millions of Americans continue to use marijuana and cocaine daily, their purchases are making drug dealers filthy rich.

How rich are they? Local police recently stumbled upon two privately owned submarines, containing 500 pounds of cocaine, in a harbor in Colombia. Colombia supplies 90 percent of America’s cocaine. The submarines can carry five tons of drugs to Mexico, where the cargo travels by truck into the US. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) officials believe that the Colombian drug lords possess about 20 of these 55-foot subs. However, they are confident they will find all of them.

Reportedly, drug lords have also purchased a Russian cannon that can fire a 2-ton shell 500 miles. The cannon, now hidden in Mexico, will be used to fire 2-ton packages of cocaine, marijuana, and other drugs into southeast New Mexico, where drug lords have secretly bought thousands of acres of desert land. The packages will land in the desert, undetected by US radar. Once they land safely among the cactuses and scorpions, the packages will be stored underground. The drug lords are building a huge complex of tunnels and storage space under the New Mexico desert. The tunnels will connect to truck routes for transporting drugs to major cities. A DEA official said that even if the cannon and tunnels exist, it just proves that DEA is winning the war on drugs.

有关于英语故事短文:The Driving Lesson

“Whoa! Stop! Stop! Stop, dammit! S…T…O…P!” Noah was astounded. His heart was racing. Webster, Noah's 18-year-old driving student, had just run a red light. Instead of stopping at the light, and then making a right turn after traffic had gone by, Webster had gone straight through the red light while two northbound cars were approaching the intersection. Luckily, both cars were driving slowly enough that they were able to brake. Webster, at the last second, managed to turn north. Otherwise, he would have collided into the southbound traffic on Allen.

After turning north on Allen, Webster stopped the car. “What are you doing?! What are you doing?! You can’t stop here—go, go, go! We’re going to get rear-ended! Get moving!” Webster had stopped the car because he was confused and rattled. Noah's yelling certainly didn’t help matters. Webster slowly accelerated.

Noah told him to move to the right lane when it was safe. Webster turned on the signal, looked around at the right rear to make sure no one was in his blind spot, and got into the right lane. At Orange Grove, Webster signaled again and made a right turn. Noah told him to pull over to the curb. Webster parked the car.

“Webster, I’m sorry I yelled at you, but you cannot run a red light! When you’re moving forward, you’ve always got to be looking at what’s in front of you. You make a turn after you make sure the light or traffic permits you to. We could both be in the hospital right now. But we’re okay, thank the Lord. And no cop was around, so we’re double-okay. So, let’s just take a breather, and when you’re ready, we’ll get back on the road. And from now on, when I say stop or brake, do so immediately!”

有关于英语故事短文:The Oil Change

Darwin was about to give his 1992 Buick Regal to his girlfriend’s son, Gilroy. But before doing that, Darwin had to make sure the car was safe. If anything was wrong with the car and it caused Gilroy to be injured, Darwin would in turn be injured—by Gilroy’s mom!

Darwin made a list of things to do for Moe, his mechanic. Change the oil and oil filter, which Moe recommended every 3,000 miles or six months, whichever came first. Check the front and rear brakes. Adjust the brakes so that the brake pedal didn't feel so mushy. Change the radiator coolant and transmission fluid. Check all the belts. Check the spark plugs and ignition wires. Replace the PCV valve. Repair the slow leak in the left front tire. Finally, the note said, call Darwin if anything else needed fixing.

Darwin would check the air filter himself. That filter was easy to check and to replace. He would also check the windshield washer fluid himself. The DieHard battery didn’t need checking—it still had two years left on its warranty.

He called Moe. Moe said to bring the car in at 8 a.m. Wednesday. On Wednesday Darwin woke up at 7:30. He put the note on the dashboard of the car and drove the half-mile to Moe’s shop. He worried about the bill he would get that afternoon. He wanted Gilroy to be safe, but he hoped that Gilroy's safety wouldn’t cost more than $300.

