


How to Cope with Hard Times When Nothing Helps


There are plenty of useful tips for dealing withthe hard times, but unfortunately, they don’t help at times. Everyone faces difficult times, but not allpeople let problems and troubles spoil their life. I’m a huge overthinker and highly sensitive personso even the smallest problem can spoil my day. I tried many tips and tricks but nothing helped. If youare trying to survive rough times, I suggest that you try the following tips to cope with the hard timeswhen nothing helps. They do wonders for me!

1. Believe in yourself

No matter the situation, you should always believe in yourself. Yes, you are facing a tough time now,but it doesn’t mean that you won’t cope with those challenges. You will, I believe in that, and youshould believe too. Whether we want it or not, life is full of problems and challenges. Our task is tolearn how to overcome them wisely. No one believed in me when I told my parents, friends andcoworkers that I’d quit my well-paid job and start writing and volunteering instead. However, beliefin myself helped me start living the life of my dreams, and enjoy those little things I didn’t noticedue to my hectic schedules.

2. Pray

If you can’t let go of your worries when you close your eyes. Try to pray. Praying is a good optionfor people who suffer from anxiety or who can’t cope with their emotions. Many of us don’tbelieve in the power of prayer, but I believe in it. When fear or anxiety arises, I start praying and itreally helps me cope with the hard times when nothing helps.

3. Let go of people you don’t want to see

While you can’t avoid those annoying coworkers or boss, you can let go of friends or relatives youdon’t want to see in your life. They might be good people, but if you feel down every time youspeak to them, you’d better avoid them. When you’re going through a hard time, you need tosurround yourself with positive people who inspire you and make you feel better. If you can’t avoida toxic coworker, just ignore them. Before talking to them, take a deep breath to calm yourself down.Remember, you have more important problems so don’t waste your time on people who don’twant the best for you.

4. Close your eyes

The first thing I always do when I feel terribly down is simply close my eyes and clear my mind. Youknow how it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the problems and upsetting thoughts, and youprobably know that feeling when you just don’t know whether it’s life or death. I hope you willnever experience that feeling. A few months ago I had to cope with that feeling. It wasn’t easy but Iknew that I must do it. I’m a strong person by nature and I believe all those troubles and challengesmade me even stronger. I live once so I don’t want to spend my time worrying about unfairness atwork, toxic friends and coworkers, and things I can’t change. Close your eyes, take a deep breathand let go of all your worries in order to clear your mind. Feel alive, be thankful for it, and smile nomatter what. Your smile will help fight any problem.

5. Be selfish

If you are a kind person (like I am), it’s hard for you to be selfish in any situation. But from personalexperience I can say that it’s really difficult for kind people to survive in this cruel world. When youare trying to cope with the hard times, it’s okay to stay indifferent and selfish. If you need some metime, cancel that meeting or date, and spend that time thinking about yourself only. Sure, it doesn’tmean you should always be selfish. But you should make your well-being a priority.

No matter what happens in your life, remember you are strong enough to cope with anything lifethrows your way. You are not alone. Stay positive, believe in yourself and you will see that life isn’tas hard as you might think. What are your tips for overcoming the hard times?

