

RBF, as a label, has become the latest Internet craze. A historical review of the term indicates it originated in 2009, but Google trends show internet searches for the phrase really started to take off in the spring of 2013. RBF has since become the subject of countless memes, often featuring celebrity examples. The hype reached new heights ofcontroversy when it was written up in The New York Times on Aug. 1.

“天生碧池脸”(Resting Bitch Face)作为一个标签,已经成为了最新网络热潮。究其历史,这个词起源于2009年,但谷歌趋势表明该词网络搜索量激增是于2013年春天开始的。这个词作为主题,应运而生了无数网络恶搞图片——名人大腕无故躺枪。8月1日《纽约时报》用了该词后,“天生碧池脸”天花乱坠的宣传更是到达了新一轮的论战高峰。


The vast majority of coverage has so far focused on the disadvantages of RBF. But this narrative only tells part of the story. .


Research has shown that people rely heavily on facial expressions and body language.Psychologist Albert Mehrabian, of the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted famous studies in the 1960s that found that interpreting someone’s communication is based mostly on nonverbal cues, like facial expression, body language and tone. Women confronted by a world that automatically attaches negative attributes to their non-smiling face must quickly learn how to communicate and also hone a finely-tuned awareness of both our own emotions and the emotions of those around us.


And then there’s the empathy factor. Women used to being constantly misunderstood focus more on the words someone says, rather than their tone, body cues, or facial expressions, ensuring a more effective flow of information between both parties.


