

Google has launched its competitor to Apple Pay - turningAndroid phones into a credit card.

谷歌推出苹果支付(Apple Pay)的竞争产品安卓支付(AndroidPay),安卓支付可以使安卓手机实现信用卡的功能。

The firm says it will give millions of people a new way to buygoods and services using their phones.


It was thought the payment system would launch alongside Google’s Marshmallow operatingsystem, expected in October, but Google launched it on Thursday.


It is a direct competitor to Apple Pay, and does almost exactly the same thing - except onAndroid phones.


'Today, we’re beginning to roll out Android Pay - the simple and secure way to pay with yourAndroid phone at over one million locations across the US,' Google said in a blog post.


'Android Pay also stores your gift cards, loyalty cards and special offers right on your phone.


'We’ll be rolling out gradually over the next few days, and this is just the beginning.


'We will continue to add even more features, banks and store locations in the coming months,making it even easier to pay with your Android phone.'


Google says the service will work at over one million locations across the US.


Existing Google Wallet users can access Android Pay through an update to your Wallet app.


For new users, Android Pay will be available for download on Google Play in the next few days,and will come preinstalled on new NFC-enabled Android phones from AT&T, T-Mobile, and VerizonWireless.

新用户接下来几天就可以在Google Play(Google为安卓设备开发的在线应用程序商店)中下载安卓支付应用,运营商AT&T、T-Mobile和Verizon Wireless新上市的支持近场通讯(NFC)技术的安卓手机也会预装安卓支付。

Google also emphasised the security of the system, which like Apple Pay, doesn't reveal a user'sreal card number.


'We know how important it is to keep your personal and financial information secure, so AndroidPay is supported by industry standard tokenization.


'This means your real credit or debit card number isn't sent with your payment. Instead, we’ll usea virtual account number that provides an extra layer of security.


'As soon as you make a purchase, you'll see a payment confirmation that shows where a giventransaction happened, so it's easy to catch any suspicious activity.'


Users will simply have to unlock their phone like they normally do and place it near a merchant'scontactless terminal to make a payment.


No app needs to be open and they will see a payment confirmation and get transaction detailson their phone.


With select retailers, loyalty points and special offers will be automatically applied at checkout.


Android Pay will store a user's credit, debit and loyalty card details, so when they are in a shop,they will simply have to unlock their phone to authenticate a payment and tap their phone on anAndroid Pay terminal to buy goods.


Transaction details will be sent to the handset and some retailers will offer loyalty points for usingit.


For online purchases, users will be able to hit a 'Buy with Android Pay' button to avoid having toenter their bank details and shipping address each time.


When it does eventually launch, Android Pay will be accepted at more than 700,000 storelocations across the US, and in over 1,000 Android apps, Google said. 'And we'll be adding moreevery day.'


