


Benefit from/by 从…中获益

Stand by 支持,帮助,袖手旁观

Stand by/behind sb 援助,支持

Begin by doing 从做…开始


Go by 过去,流逝

Come by 路过,偶然遇到,获得

Pass by 经过,走过,逝去

Reduce/increase … by … 把…减少/增加了

Decline by 下降了…

Drop by 顺便拜访

What do you mean by 你…是什么意思

Take…by surprise 出乎某人意料

One by one 一个接一个

Side by side肩并肩的(=shoulder to shoulder)

Tell by 从…可以看出

By hand 手工

By mistake 错误的

By accident/chance 偶然

By turns 轮流

By law 根据法律

By day 在白天

By the day 按天计算

By the pound 论磅

By weight 按重量

By and large 大体上来说

By agreement 约好

By the side of 在…的旁边

By the way 顺便问一下

By/in comparison with 和…相比较

By contrast with 和…相对比

By/at one’s command 奉某人之命

By a long way 很大程度上

By the time 到…的时间

By the end of 到…末

By correspondence 用写信的方法

By far …得多【用于修饰比较级和最高级】

By any chance 万一

By design 有意的,故意的

By air/land/water 乘飞机/走陆路/走水路

By means of 用,依靠

By the light of 借助…的光

By all means 一定,务必

By no means 绝不

By oneself 独自的,单独

By nature 天生的,生性

By heart 记牢

Be caused by 由…导致,由…产生

Be amazed at/by 对…大为惊奇

Be impressed with/at/by 对…有深刻印象

Be frightened at/by 对…害怕

Be affected by 被…侵袭,被…感动

Be struck by/with 被…打动,迷惑

Be connected by 被…联系在一起

Be/get confused by 被…搞糊涂了

