





It's a nice day today.


How nice of you to do that!


I brought her a very nice present from Soochow.


People there are very nice to tourists and foreigners.


Did you have a nice holiday?


There is a nice distinction between the two words.




It would be awful if he found out the truth.


He seemed to be very awful while serving the famous actress.


I feel awful about not inviting her.


She said she had a sore throat and was feeling awful.


These weeks is an awful long time to wait.


They sat there horrified as the television blared the awful news. 当电视里高声播发那个可怕的消息时他们坐在那里感到恐惧。

An awful lot of people with depression suffer unnecessarily because of a fear ofusing medication, but it can be very effective. 一个可怕的抑郁症的人很多遭受不必要的,因为使用药物的恐惧,但它可以是非常有效的。

The next is to ensure that this awful evidence is not ignored. 下一步是确保这些可怕的证据不会被放置一旁。

Rather than focusing narrowly upon this awful event, then, we should declare aNational Day of Mourning and Reflection on Violence in America. 我们不要仅仅聚焦在这个可怕的事件上,我们应当宣布在美国设立一个暴力事件悼念与反思日。

But he made an awful blunder. 但他犯了一个糟糕的大错误。

But I love my awful life so much right now, that I find it hilarious when I am unableto convince anyone else of it. 即时它摧毁了我的家,但现在十分我喜欢我糟糕的生活,当我不能使其他人确信是我发现它是欢闹的。

All the rest of Hell is filled with murky flame, and against this background Satanstands out in awful majesty. 地狱的其他空间都充满了黑暗的火焰,在这样的背景下,撒旦可怕而威严地站在那里。

Some contact with even the most awful, addicted or inadequate parent is usuallybetter than none at all: it helps the children make sense of what has happened. 与即使是最糟糕的、上瘾的或不合格的父母保持某些联系通常要比完全没有的好:这有助于孩子理解发生的事情的意义。

An awful person? 一个可怕的人?

People declare that mind transfer is a swell idea, or an awful idea, but not that it isa wrong idea. 人们断言思想转移是一个好主意或是一个可怕的想法,但却从没有人说那是一个错误的想法。

People declare that mind transfer is a swell idea, or an awful idea, but not that it is a wrong idea. 人们宣称思维转移是一个疯狂的想法,或者是一个可怕的想法,但是没有人说它是错误的想法。

People declare that mind transfer is a swell idea, or an awful idea, but not that it is a wrong idea. 人们宣称,意识转移是一个发展着的想法,抑或一个可怕的想法,但是却并非坏事。

It might be too late for me, but I might be able to provide the testing ground to findsomething that can prevent this awful disease affecting generations to come. 对我来说可能太晚了,但是我或许可以提供实验的温床,来发现可以避免这种可怕疾病的某种东西,以免让它殃及我们即将到来的后代们。

But as awful as that video is, it’s not fair to think that all American soldiers are likethose in that helicopter. 但像录像一样可怕的是,认为所有美国士兵都像直升机上那几位一样是不公平的。

I used to hear stories of awful tragedies and think of all the reasons it could neverhappen to me. 以前,我读着那些可怕的悲剧,根本想象不到有任何理由这些事情会发生在我的身上。

Yet it's an awful paper that I would have shredded in a sea of red ink if it hadcome to me. 即便这样 这还是一片非常糟糕的论文如果让我审核的话它一定会被淹没在红墨水的海洋里去.

Chris: That must have been an awful experience for the little girl. 克里斯:对那小女孩来说,这一定是个很可怕的经历。

Have we ever made it 365 days without something really awful happening? 365天中我们有哪一天没有经历过可怕的事情?

When you break up with somebody you love, that’s awful; and it takes time to getover. 当你和所爱的人分手了,那是件糟糕极了的事,而且需要很长时间来恢复。

Whether it’s an awful or a brilliant one has a lot more to do with you than it doesthe idea. 它是一个糟糕的主意还是一个杰出的主意更多的取决于你怎么做而不是主意本身是好是坏。

