雅思考试大作文范文 能源类




There is nothing unusual about energy like coalsand oils being consumed, principally becauseeconomic development depends on natural resourcesall the time. But what is happening today isextraordinary judged by the standards of the past.It is energy depletion on a massive scale and thisproblem is so knotty that should deserve our closerheed.

Amongst the diverse factors contributing tothe energy crises around the world, government’sshort-sighted policies and citizens’ extravagant useof automobiles are probably the two most significantones. By presuming on their natural resources, quite a few countries, especially developingones, are eager to develop their economy in order to gain an edge over their rivals. Admittedly,their intensive use of the energy facilitates, to some extent, the developments of otherindustries in short term. Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneckspeed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the naturalresources.

The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings. Although countries canboast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environmentwith stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltratingunderground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer and, therefore, theirquality of life is by no means improved. Also, sustainable development can never come intotrue in this situation, meaning that our descendants can benefit nothing except sterile landand polluted air and water from their ancestors.

Therefore, our government must take serious steps to attack those problems. The first andforemost is that governments have to reverse their mindset and no longer deem the growth ofGDP their first goal. Rather, the betterment of citizens’ quality of life should deserve moreattention than the economic growth. Furthermore, the use of private cars should bediscouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving publictransportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energyconsumption.

In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must paymore heed to the efficient use of their energy and the issue of environmental protection,while they develop their economy; otherwise, environmental apocalypse and energy crisis arefeared to happen in the horizon.


There is nothing unusual about energy like coalsand oils being consumed, principally becauseeconomic development depends on natural resourcesall the time. But what is happening today isextraordinary judged by the standards of the past.It is energy depletion on a massive scale and thisproblem is so knotty that should deserve our closerheed.

Amongst the diverse factors contributing to theenergy crises around the world, government’s short-sighted policies and citizens’ extravagant use ofautomobiles are probably the two most significantones. By presuming on their natural resources, quite a few countries, especially developingones, are eager to develop their economy in order to gain an edge over their rivals. Admittedly,their intensive use of the energy facilitates, to some extent, the developments of otherindustries in short term. Additionally, the amount of private cars increases at such a breakneckspeed that the petroleum used amounts to an intimidating proportion of the naturalresources.

The consequences are undoubtedly disastrous for human beings. Although countries canboast their growth of GDP, their citizens have to endure the ever deteriorated environmentwith stinking gas belching from factories and vehicles, polluted water due to fuels infiltratingunderground, even ultraviolet radiation in the absence of ozone layer and, therefore, theirquality of life is by no means improved. Also, sustainable development can never come intotrue in this situation, meaning that our descendants can benefit nothing except sterile landand polluted air and water from their ancestors.

Therefore, our government must take serious steps to attack those problems. The first andforemost is that governments have to reverse their mindset and no longer deem the growth ofGDP their first goal. Rather, the betterment of citizens’ quality of life should deserve moreattention than the economic growth. Furthermore, the use of private cars should bediscouraged by authorities, who must shoulder the responsibility of improving publictransportation in order to facilitate people as well as release the burden of energyconsumption.

In conclusion, to avoid the phrase “filthy rich” added to themselves, countries must pay moreheed to the efficient use of their energy and the issue of environmental protection, whilethey develop their economy; otherwise, environmental apocalypse and energy crisis are fearedto happen in the horizon.


The sense of doom in us today is not a fear ofnuclear power but a fear of war. Nuclear weaponshave enlarged the mechanism of war by threatening to kill more people more secretly andmore horribly than those of the past. The nightmare of Hiroshima is vivid memory and there isno way to outlaw a war, so the only alternative is to go nuclear in the hope that nuclearweapons hidden in stock somewhere serve to maintain world peace by theory of counter-attack. And yet, going nuclear serves the purpose of energy supply. Now the classic question: "To be or not to be?"

Nuclear energy is cheap and clean. It is a solution to an energy crisis at a time when otherforms of generating electricity are facing limits. Already power plants have been in operation in anumber of countries. These are successful examples to be followed. And it comes as nosurprise that more power plants are being built for peaceful use. In all appearances, the fear ofwar is overcome by the need for economic development.

Obviously, there are reasons to believe that the benefits of nuclear power will overweigh thedisadvantages in the long run. Besides, there is no going back. The feeling of mutual trust onthe international front must therefore prevail in order to ensure lasting peace. It is generallyagreed that nuclear weapons should be the last thing to be thought of as a means to win a warbecause there would be no winner in any nuclear conflict. If anything goes wrong, the scale ofdestruction on human lives and civilization is beyond imagination.

In spite of reasonable fear for a nuclear war, nuclear know-how is not warlike. Rather, it is aby-product of warlike society. The nuclear science and technology have provided the means, forgood or for bad. And the world must seize it for good, for peaceful use forever.

