雅思考试大作文范文4篇 工作与事业类




Nowadays very few people intend to go in for a life-time career. Still there are someadvantages to doing so.

Merits of always taking a position can be examined by three aspects.(topic sentences) First,if you stick at taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared; after some time,you willdefinitely have a good command of it. Consequently you may become a veteran of the field andearn respect or prestige from others. Second, you can establish an extensive socialconnections relating to the field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in theway of your working endeavor. Finally, mistakes of the routine tasks would be minimizedbecause you have learned the lessons.

On the other hand, I would like to illustrate the advantages of experiencing different jobs. (topic sentence) Initially, we look at the issue of bribery. Many high-level staff are inclined toaccept bribes via power in hand. However, if he knows that someone else will soon take hisplace, such acts can be avoided. We then look at work motivation. If one works for the samecompany for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and tired of doing the same dailyroutine. Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a sense of teamwork and thecapability of coordination. Therefore, to try various positions can help you gain ground to bepromoted.

In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involveone in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keepingbribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous bymaking mistakes occasionally. In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid joband pay little attention to changing it.

雅思大作文范文:Job Satisfaction&Change

Hard realities such as high unemployment rates mean that many people have little choice inthe kind of job they can get to their satisfaction. Although job satisfaction is crucial to thewellbeing of an individual, it seems farm from realistic without seriously taking job security intoconsideration in the first place. Job security being not the issue, what contributes to jobsatisfaction are several factors, of which money is usually the No. 1 motivation.

Money is the most important factor for people to work, but many employees are also seeking abalance between life and work. Unless jobs are made more flexible, sometimes work can get inthe way of living. It is easy to understand that workers would feel happy about anopportunity to reduce stress and ease the pain. In this respect, flexible work arrangementsmake sense because job satisfaction is linked to a reduction of working hours, which isparticularly desirable in the developed countries. To illustrate, professional labor force maywork in part from home, known as telecommuniting. That is to say, having more time for familyand pleasure is part of job satisfaction.

On another front, job satisfaction is likely to increase when people have jobs which they thinkare worth doing. They need to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, henceexpecting positive feedback from their supervisors. In this case, there is always a sense ofsatisfaction on the part of employees. Further, it is encouraging when they feel that they areimproving or developing their working skills through on-job training. Also, the sense ofbelonging to a team or organization as well as having healthy relationships with co-workers isrewarding. Indeed, with the possible exception of a huge paycheck, for most workers,nothing provides more satisfaction than the prospect of getting a promotion soon enough fordoing a worthwhile job which pays off.

All in all, people find happiness in jobs that not only would bring cash but also demonstratevalues. Apart from that, when workers feel being rewarded at work and being comfortable athome, they ought to be satisfied. And yet, first thing first, they must be lucky enough to havea stable job.

雅思大作文范文:Changing Your Job

Today, more and more people are attending thirdlevel education, and many go on to post-graduatedegrees. People specialize in subjects that were notdreamed of a century ago. However, the result hasnot been an increase in real knowledge, but acheapening of education. In this essay I will discusshow education has become devalued.

Education is now something that can bepurchased. Like a powerful new car or an architect-designed house, a degree or a post-graduate degreehas become a luxury that everyone wants. But when everybody has something, that thingbecomes worthless. Gold is sought after because it is expensive and hard to find, but ifeverybody changed their attitude to gold, its value would drop.

In the same way, education, like the currency of a bankrupt country, is becoming devaluedas more people have degrees. It takes ever-higher qualifications to get a job. Once a degree-holder was respected and listened to. Now he or she is just another job-seeker or employee.

One effect of the rush towards degrees is that knowledge becomes less important. Otherfactors, such as influence, are more central in getting a job or a promotion when everyone hasa qualification. A further point is that people lose respect for themselves. Since everybody hasa degree, even degree-holders feel that what they have is almost worthless. More seriously,the pressure to have degrees results in a drop in quality. When thousands of people study ina college, the professors cannot possibly maintain standards. Furthermore, we need to questionwhether advanced education is suitable for everyone. Does our entire population really needto spend years in school and college just to do fairly simple jobs?

In conclusion, there are many negative aspects to the increased emphasis onqualifications. If we want to maintain the value of education, we need to examine the emphasiswe put on degrees.


Progresses in telecommunication technology enable more and more people to work at home.This emerging working pattern is popular among young people, and it will have profoundimplications for our work and life. Some have a good round of applause for it, while othersworry about its negative effects.

Some people say that working at home can bestow numerous benefits upon the workersand their families. First of all, it spares the employee the daily chore of traveling back and forthto and from work, which inevitably save them a lot of time and money Also, it savesemployees' energy so that they are able to work more efficiently Secondly, working at homemeans the employee can arrange his or her time more flexible as long as . they can meet thedeadlines of the tasks. Thus, they can dedicate more time to their: spouse and children, whichis obviously helpful to strength family ties and salvage dysfunctional marriage.

However, other people insist that working at home brings stresses to the home. They thinkthat this working pattern will blur the conventional distinctions between working hours andrest time. In this way, the stress of working tasks may last for an even longer period and itmay probably spread to every corner of the home. And all the members in the family willinevitably be influenced by the pressure. Besides, working at home will also generate muchtrouble to both companies and individuals.

All in all, in my opinion, we should view the working pattern dialectically It indeed frees theworkers but not everyone or every industry is suitable for it We'd _better not choose it blindlywithout considering our characteristics and working industry.

