





Rare(ad.)----rarely fog(a.)----foggy truth(a.)---true

Firmly(a.)--- firm freeze(a.)---freezing distance(a.)---distant

Darkness(a.)---dark change(a.)---changeable deadly(n.)--- death

Deeply(n.)---depth treatment(v.)---treat

volunteer(v.)---volunteer Deserted(v.)--- desert

stressed(v./ n.)--- stress; stress data(单数)----datum

Sweat(形似词)---sweet drown(形似词)---drawn

reduce(反义词)---increase Accept(反义词)---refuse

latter(反义词)---former impossible(反义词)---possible

Fear(反义词)---fearlessness likely(反义词)---unlikely

unpleasant(反义词)---pleasant Nowhere(反义词)----everywhere

sniff(近义词)---smell observe(近义词)---watch Method (近义词)---way

tip(近义词)---advice chance(近义词)---possibility

Rough(反义词)---smooth ignore(近义词组)---pay no attention to

Beat(过去式,过去分词)----beat; beaten stick(过去式,过去分词)----stuck;

stuck Fly(过去式,过去分词)--- flew; flown tap(过去式,过去分词)--- tapped, tappe

d Panic(过去式,过去分词,现在分词)---panicked; panicked; panicking


Watch out for …留心... make achievements取得成就 glance at扫视

Step out into …走出去到... hold one?s nose捏住鼻子 in sight看得到

Stare(up) at (抬头)凝视 after midnight午夜之后 wish for 盼望

Make a decision做出出决定 be lost in the fog在雾中迷路 set off出发

Reach out 伸出(手) bang into 不小心撞到 breathe in 吸入 Pay back 报答,偿还 feel frightened感到害怕 work out 制定

Turn to 变成 by underground乘地铁 go hungry挨饿

By sight根据外表或形象 make progress取得进步 manage to do 设法做 Lose sight of看不见 be related to 和... in the distance 在远处

Make the most of 充分利用 set sail for ... get close to 靠近

Take the pain忍受疼痛 the sixth sense第六感 make sense 有意义 Compared to 与。。。相比较 ring out发出响亮的声音 can?t afford买不起 As long as possible尽可能长地 warm sb. Up使某人暖和起来

Express one?s thanks to sb. 向某人致谢 follow one?s advice听从某人的建议 In a scientific study在一个科学研究中 have something to do with 与。。。有关 Have high blood pressure 有高血压 be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住 Can?t help doing禁不住作某事 in everyday life在日常生活中

Hold sb still使某人一动不动 lose one?s sense of taste失去味觉

Over a long distance越过很长的一段距离 be likely to do 很有可能做

Take one?s usual bus home乘某人常坐的车回家

Contact sb. Through the newspaper 通过报纸和某人联系


21. His uncle went abroad in 2010,

A. has not been heard of

B. had not been heard of

C. had not heard of

D. has not heard of

22. —I?m trying to find yesterday?s newspaper. Have you seen it?

—I?m afraid that I

A. threw B. had thrown

C. throw D. will throw

23. He is a man with rich experience,much can be learned.

A. whom B. which C. where D. who

,otherwise he would have come to see me.

A. mustn?t have arrived B. must have arrived

C. can have arrived D. can?t have arrived

25. The old man, abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.

A. to work B. working

C. to have worked D. having worked

26. We don?t have enough money. ,we cannot afford to buy the new car.

A. Besides B. However

C. Otherwise D. Therefore

invited to the party last night.

A. were B. has been

C. was D. had been

28. she had time to realize what was happening,she was hit on the head.

A. Since B. Before C. When D. Until[来源:Zxxk.Com]

29. If I had tried my best last term,I more progress then.

A. could made B. would make

C. will have made D. could have made

30. Stand here you?ll be able to see the blackboard better.

A. but B. till C. and D. or

31. Evidence has been found through years of study children?s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.

A. why B. how

C. whether D. that

32. The boy was observed basketball at eight o?clock yesterday evening.

A. playing B. play

C. to play D. having played

33. The house rent is high. I?ve got about half the space I had at home and I?m paying _______ here.

A. as three times much B. as much three times

C. much as three times D. three times as much

34. It was not until dark he found that it was the correct way to solve the problem.

A. that B. what C. which D. when

35. It?s beyond description. Nowhere else in the world _______ such a quiet beautiful place.

A. can you find B. you can find

C. find you can D. can find you

