



1.That's all right. 不用谢。

2.Not at all.不用谢。

3.You're quite/ most welcome.不用谢。

4.That's OK.这没什么。

5.It's my pleasure.我很乐意。

6.My pleasure.我很乐意。

7.It's nothing.这没什么。

8.Don't mention it.不用谢。



10.Any time.随时为你效劳。

11.The pleasure was all mine.那是我的荣幸。

12.Glad you liked/enjoyed it.我很乐意。

13.I'm glad I could help you.我很高兴能帮助你。

14.Delighted to have been of some help.很高兴能对你有所帮助。

15.That's really nothing.不必。

16.No sweet.没什么。

17.No trouble at all.没什么。

18.No bother at all.不费事。

19.It was the least I could do.不足挂齿。

20.Don't mention it.不用谢。



I just saved your life. You're welcome!


Don't thank me.are we fighting the good fight?


Not at all, I'm glad to serve you.


No thanks, but maybe another time.


The expression is most often used in the negative, as in buyao keqi, meaning "you shouldnt be so kind and polite to me," or "youre welcome."

Don't thank me.are we fighting the good fight?


Not at all, I'm glad to serve you.


No thanks, but maybe another time.


The expression is most often used in the negative, as in buyao keqi, meaning "you shouldnt be so kind and polite to me," or "youre welcome."

6 "Thanks for your call."— 'My pleasure.' “谢谢你打来电话。”——“不用谢。”

7 Don't thank me for doing my duty! 这是我应尽的责任,不用谢!

8 There's no need to thank me I was only doing my job. 不用谢--这是我应做的工作.

9 Don't need to thank me, Lilly wasn't any bother. 不用谢我, 莉莉挺让人省心的.

10You're welcome you me, and thank you for your own! 你不用谢我啦, 你谢谢你自己吧!

11ows: That's all right; we're going to eat the grass. Bye! 小牛: 不用谢, 我们要去吃草了,再见!

12Oh, no. Those are yours. You paid for them. 哦, 那不用谢, 是你的东西 啊 ,你付了钱的.

13The general received a ticker - tape welcome. 不用谢,别客气.

14.t's my pleasure! Bye! 不用谢. 再见!

15Thanks a lot. -- do not mention it. 谢谢. —— 不用谢.

