




patient ; staminal ; stick-to-itive

网 络patient;stick-to-itive



I am patient with others.


I think I am quite a patient person.



He was such an impatient driver (=He was so impatient a driver) that he went through the red light.

1. He was a fine person to work with and he was very equable and a patient man. 他是个非常平和而且有耐心的人,和他一起工作很愉快。

2. She is a woman that has patience most in this group. 她是这个小组中最有耐心的人.

3. I sat, a model of patience, trying to attract his absorbed attention from itsengrossing speculation. 我坐着, 象一个有耐心的模范似的, 想把他那全神贯注的注意力从它那一心一意的冥想中牵引出来.

4. All of these men were good listeners, patient men. 他们这些都是善于恭听他人意见的有耐心的人.

5. Tom's bad behaviour at last stung his patient mother into anger. 汤姆不成体统的行为终于使他极有耐心的母亲生气了.

6. According to her students, she is a patient teacher. 据她的学生说, 她是个很有耐心的老师.

7. Ru - LIN Qi : We have more patience, time cost is very important. 汝林琪: 我们比较有耐心的, 时间成本非常重要.

8. We know that his play is always fair, just, and patient. 我们知道他在游戏的过程中一直是公平 、 公正和有耐心的.

9. I am patient with others. 我对别人是有耐心的.

10. I think I am quite a patient person. 我认为我是一个相当有耐心的人.

11. So not a very patient person! 所以不?是一个很有耐心的人!

12. My older sister is a very patient person. 我的姐姐是一个很有耐心的人.

13. His behavior would the patience of Job. 他的行为连最有耐心的人也无法忍受.

14. He's a very patient man. 他是个很有耐心的人.

15. Our nation is patient and steadfast. 我们的国家是有耐心的,立场是坚定的.

16. I have no patient man around. 我的周围没有一个有耐心的.

17. Patient teachers are very popular among the students. 学生们喜欢有耐心的老师.

18. Beware the fury of a patient man. 警惕有耐心的人发火.

19. He a very patient man. 他是个很有“耐心”的人.

20. Throughout the first semester, my teacher slowly and patiently chipped awayat my fear of speaking. 在第一个学期里, 我的老师慢慢的并且很有耐心的消除我对于演讲的恐惧.

