

汉语解释:【1】多指某事或物对你很有兴趣。 【2】术语。多用于评价具体局势及对局内容,有“有味”、“生动”、“富于变化”等含意。如称局面白方“有趣”,即指全局已形成白方富于变化或乐意下的生动局面。想知道有趣的英文怎么说吗?

有趣[yǒu qù]


interesting ; fascinating ; amusing ; as good as a play ; divertingness

网 络fun;interesting;divertingness;be funny



Are there any interesting news items in the paper this morning?


She is an interesting person but her husband is a real nothing.


This book is interesting.



Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.


I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.


The English language has an interesting history.


Make sure to add fun and quirky voices to make the reading lively.


Interesting experiences only happens to interesting people.


The interesting man is interested in the interesting films.

1. It was a joy to see. It really made my day. 这太有趣了,真的把我高兴坏了。

2. Casey Stengel was probably the most colorful character in baseball. 凯西·施滕格尔可能是棒球界最有趣的人物。

3. Another interesting note was the predominance of London club players. 另一个有趣的现象是,伦敦俱乐部的球员在数量上占优势。

4. As I write, a very interesting case has come to my notice. 在我写作过程中,一个非常有趣的案例引起了我的注意。

5. Interesting distinctions can be drawn between the two populations. 比较两类人可以发现有趣的差异。

6. There is just not enough fun and frivolity in culture today. 当今的文化恰恰是不够轻松有趣。

7. These studies have already thrown up some interesting results. 这些研究已经得出一些有趣的结果了。

8. Of course there were lots of other interesting things at the exhibition. 当然,展览上还有很多其他有趣的展品。

9. The list of drinks, a dozen pages long, makes fascinating reading. 酒水单一共有十几页长,读起来很有趣。

10. I still find this story both fascinating and unbelievable. 我仍觉得这个故事既有趣又不太可信。

11. Psychological twists perk up an otherwise predictable story line. 心理转折使原本老套的故事情节变得生动有趣。

12. It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever. 这是一种有趣的科学现象,但没什么实用价值。

13. "This ought to be fun," he told Alex, eyes gleaming. “这应该会很有趣!”他对亚历克斯说,两眼闪闪发光.

14. This interesting and charming creature is unique to Borneo. 这种有趣迷人的动物是婆罗洲独有的。

15. He'll be sadly missed. He was a real character. 人们会非常怀念他的,他可真是个有趣的人啊。

16. A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit. 味道浓烈的上好调味品和香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。

17. This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun. 这张专辑真棒,新颖、有趣且富于变化。

18. I remember Mickey as a bundle of fun, great to have around. 我记得米基是个很有趣的人,和他在一起非常愉快。

19. Talking one-on-one with people is not his idea of fun. 他一点也不觉得一对一的交谈有趣。

20. "Holidays That Don't Cost the Earth" is a lively, informative read. 《绿色环保的假期》是本生动有趣、增长见闻的读物。

