



Jin dynasty, there was a great scholars, named guo xiang, the word son xuan. Guo xiang as a young, not only easy to learn, and to contact in the daily life of some phenomenon, can observe, then calmly to think about the truth. This makes him knowledgeable, analysis of the things are often very original. Therefore, guo when he was young, he was a man of great intellect.

He then studying Lao tzu and chuang tzu's theory, and their theories have profound understanding. At that time, a lot of people, who were asking him to go out a few, he shall decline, only immersed research learning every day, or and like-minded people talking about philosophy. He thinks, only in this way, can obtain the eternal happiness, live at ease. However, for some years, the government has repeatedly sent to please him, he can't refuse, had to agreed, to the government to do the yellow door assistant minister.

In the capital, as a result of his knowledge is very rich, so, no matter what the things he can articulate said, plus his eloquence is very good, and of opinions and like it very much, so every time when people listened to him talk about, think with relish. Had a qiu Wang Yan, appreciate guo xiang's gift of the gab, he often in front of others praised guo said: "listen to like language, such as hanging river water, note and endless." Mean, listen to guo, like a wing up river, reel pouring down, never dried up.

Later, people according to Wang Yan, lead to "self" as an idiom, used to describe someone articulate, gush to talk.


In many years ago. A blacksmith called tile luca, once the king let people called him, give him a lot of iron, said: "I want you to give me to play a real person, can walk, talk, have blood, with a brain."

"Yes, my majesty." Lu card plus replied, and bowed to the king, go home to luca and take iron home, but I don't know how to cast a real person, want to know the world has not a blacksmith could do that.

Tile luca add to friends for advice. He can't said to the king, he didn't follow his orders, because it will be treated as insurgents and put to death. But no one can he wants to give advice to friends.

Tile luca and fearfully at home. He ran into a man on the street, he once knew him, and he had a friendship. The man later insanity, now live alone in the forest. Lu card and don't know this, but soon understood a meet.

Mad man politely greeting the blacksmith, lu card plus resalute politely. Crazy to ask:

"Where are you from?"

Blacksmith hesitated, said: "I come from the mountains, go to for advice, what should I do. The king gave me many pieces of iron, and ordered me to cast a real person, but I don't know what to do."

And tile lu card plus the friend gave him this advice: "unto the king, and said to him: 'if you want me to casting quickly and better, then ordered all Baghdad women cut off their hair burn, in order to collect one thousand packets of carbon. In addition, I also need iron water quenching, so please ordered that Baghdad woman crying out one hundred cans of tears."

Tile luca and thank him for his advice, he went straight to the king, the poor madman told the king said to him, he said: ordinary charcoal and the water does not like a real man.

After listening to a blacksmith's words, the king immediately ordered the Baghdad woman cut head fever into charcoal, even cry one hundred tears.

But the head of the woman all have a fever, is not a bag of charcoal, and tears only two or three cans. When the king saw he can't be coll ected so much carbon and water, and then sent for tile he called, said to him: "stop to work, you couldn't make the man, because I don't have enough carbon and water."

Tile card lu added saved by this method, he thanked the king, and said: "I ask you to get so much hair and tears, that is beyond your power to do things; but you, my Lord, give me work is beyond my power. There never was a blacksmith can make a blood, with a brain, can walk, to speak of the living."

The king laughed and said: "you are a clever, tile luca! You said a mouthful."

Conclude from this that a common saying: "if the madman gave you a good suggestion, do as he says won't regret it." Ultimately it is crazy that gives lu card plus a wise advice, and his clever friend, what also didn't help him.


Once upon a time, there was a mouse, a bird and a sausage lived in a house, they get along with, life is full of happiness and joy. Their division of labor cooperation, savings continue to increase, became very rich. Birds fly into the forest to bit wood back every day; Rats carry water, fire, set the table; Sausage is responsible for cooking. Because life is too smooth, they slowly began to grow rice, will be thinking of ways to play new tricks.

One day, the bird met another friend, it to friends proud about his comfortable life. The bird laughed at it is a poor fool, says it is hard work in the outside, while the other two partners to stay at home do light work.

Mice a smoky fire every day, carry water and then returned to his room to lie down to rest, to eat only when to set the tables and chairs, table cloth on the shop. Sausage is sitting near the pan, in addition to look at the situation of the cooked food outside, doing nothing, it's time to eat, just add a little oil, salt, finished in less than a minute. The bird listened to these words, the in the mind very not taste. It fly home, put the wood in the ground. Everybody sat on the table for dinner as usual, after eating all went back to the room to sleep, slept until the next morning.

What is the life than the life of this tacit understanding, reasonable division of labor more satisfying? But because birds play by a friend, don't want to go to the forest for the day, also serve them two, said he has been doing for a long time of the fool, now should discuss the work, household chores should all round to dry.

Although mice and sausage struggling to persuade and explain them division of labor is the most reasonable, like this only then may continue to maintain normal life, but the bird was won't listen, it stuck to his proposal. Finally, it both have to follow it. They use lottery determines the division of labor: sausage to back stick, mouse, cook, a bird to carry water. If people left for their jobs, what will be the result? Sausage set out into the forest, the bird gave birth to a fire, mouse good pot, such as sausages back only walk back the next day. But the sausage to for a long time did not come back, it both aware of sausage, something must be wrong.

Birds fly out along the path to find sausage, but it fly was found near the road there is a dog, the dog said it met a poor little sausage, mistake it as a can hunt prey and eaten.

The bird accused dog public robbery, murder someone. But everything is useless, because a dog said it found sausage is engaged in the work and its status does not conform to, concluded that it is a spy in disguise, so just kill it.

The bird very sadly home runs dry wood, to tell what they see and hear all the mice. He and mice are very sad, but they both agreed that it is better to live together. Birds lay the table, the mouse food is ready, but when the mice to fill dish, a hot flush, it fell into the pot, one son flooded with hot dead. The bird came to the kitchen to the food to the table, but it didn't see the mouse. It sticks to throw all over the place, here, there, everywhere the nook, but couldn't find a mouse.

Just then, the fire in the stove off onto the dry wood, dry wood burning up right now. Birds hurried to carry water, but haste and dropped the bucket into the well, then it also fell, with a good family is finished.

