


原版幼儿英语故事:Without loophole


Long ago, there lived a man named Guo Han.

从前, 有一个叫郭翰的人。

It was a hot summer. He couldn‘t fall asleep in his bedroom, so he went into the yard to sleep.

因为夏天天热,在屋子里无法入睡, 就到院子里去睡觉。

Not long after he lay down he saw a woman dressed in white floating down from the sky.

躺下不久,正看着天空, 忽然看见一个白衣女子从空中慢慢飘流下来。

She said to him: “I am the celestial weaver.”


Looking at her Guo Han noticed that there were no seams in her garments.


He thought this was very strange.


He asked her: “Why are there no seams in your clothes?”


She answered: “The garments of the immortals are not made with a needle and thread. How would they have seams?”

女子回答:“天上神仙的衣服,不是用针线缝出来的, 怎么会有缝呢?”

“天衣无缝”的意思现在大多引申为“事物周密完善,找不出什么毛病”,也就是“没有漏洞的”意思,在英语中相对应的准确表达可以用“without loophole”,“loophole”就是“漏洞,法律空子”的意思,所以“without loophole”也就是“没有漏洞的”,“天衣无缝”的意思啦。


Follow teacher ma learning run rabbit is gray. Teacher ma with a gray, as he ran them through a piece of small forest, and over a small hill, gray soon too tired to sweat. How he hopes to be able to stop and have a good rest for a while.

Gray gradually fell behind, accidentally stumbled by a branch in on the ground. That fall not light, even scraped his new trousers, gray pain to cry loudly. Teacher ma heard crying immediately back to back, said: "the gray, insist to victory, a little difficulty then retreated certainly not."

Gray listened to the teacher's words, got up from the ground, the birds on the tree also encourage a way: "is gray, come on! You will be successful." Gray nodded, dry the tears continued to run.

Later, snivelling rabbit is gray won the long-distance running champion sports meeting in the forest, he can be happy!


灰灰渐渐落后了,一不小心被一根树枝狠狠地绊倒在了地上。这一下可摔得不轻,连新裤子都磕破了,灰灰痛得大声哭了起来。马老师听到哭声马上返了回来,说: “灰灰,坚持才能胜利,遇到一点困难就退缩肯定不行。”




A little bird to look for food everywhere, it just left mother a personal life, very hungry very hungry.

All of a sudden, the birds found there was a piece of bread crumbs on the ground, it was very happy, and shout it to the ground a pecked up bread crumbs, and shout a fly on the tree. That's great, have a meal. The bird is greatly open a mouth: "ah..."

Oh, a voice cried.

The bird startled, it look left, look right. Yi? The tree only oneself ah, must be wrong. The bird on the bread crumbs and big open their mouth.

"Oh!" The voice cried again.

The bird frighten a butt sitting on the branch. Sounds as if from of bread crumbs, bread crumbs is talking? Birds stare big eyes, and looked at the bread crumbs.

At this time, an ant crawled out from under the bread crumbs. "Scared me to death!" Small ants wiggling tentacles touching his chest: "you almost bite me!"

"I'm sorry." The bird says. "But, how do you under my bread crumbs?"

"Your bread crumbs? Small ants cried angrily: "is I! I was holding my bread crumbs to find the way home, suddenly, so" sou "to once a day, and then a" ah ", a big beak..." Small ants said, while the excited pointing. Little tiny ants. It is also the first to leave mom out to look for food.

"I'm sorry." The bird said, "I must be took hungry eyes, I can't see you, only see the bread crumbs."

"Hum!" Small ants raised bread crumbs so soon. "Guru. Loud gurgling..." Suddenly, the bird of the belly cried loudly. The birds embarrassedly rubbing his belly.

"Your mom didn't give you eat?" Small ants stopped.

"No." The bird said. "I have six, eat a few, a person lives."

"Me too." , the small ants and sat down. A little sad.

"Eat. To eat." the little ants pushed the bread crumbs for the birds.

"No, no. This is your bread. I can't eat. I'll fly down to see if there are any other to eat." the bird wings.

Black. "don't go to the days to say again. You have found this the slices of bread." , the small ants took thebird sat down, two good friends happily eats the bread crumbs. Little ant is small. Eat a little full. The birds ate the rest of the bread. Don't hungry.

. At night, the little ants live in, the bird of the tree. They together, look at the moon, the number of the stars, with tremendous yawn fell asleep.

Leave the first day of the mother, also have a good life?




















