



1. We must face the following issues. One is... Two is...

2. I've come to the conclusion that the first issue is...; the second is...

3. I've reached the conclusion that the first issue is...; the second is...

4. There are (two) main issues here; the first issue is...; the second is...

这种句型的功用在于提出关键性的归纳,并随后逐项加以解释。这句话由于以 we 为主语,没使用 I think、from my point of view 等牵涉个人的用语开头,大幅降低主观意识,会让在座者较易接受说话者的意见。

商务会议上表达意见的英语句子二: 赞同看法

1. A valid point.

2. I agree completely.

3. I agree one hundred percent.

4. I agree wholeheartedly.

Valid 是“确实的;有价值的”;point为“重点;观点”。这用语是说对方提出的这一点很有参考价值,值得重视。等于It's a valid point. 将 It's 省略后,语气更形简洁有力。这句话表示自己完全同意对方的看法,并百分之百地支持;常能发挥鼓励他人发言的作用,可用于正式或非正式的场合。

商务会议上表达意见的英语句子三: 表达反对

1. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.

2. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with that.

3. I'm sorry, but I can't support that position / idea.

4. I'm sorry, but I can't go along with that.

disagree的意思是“不同意;反对”。这句话可用于半正式与正式场合中。请注意这句话:不同意的是“意见”而非“个人”,纯粹对事不对人,所以可以很技巧地避免让对方下不了台。用 I'm sorry 开头,尤显客气有礼。

商务会议上表达意见的英语句子四: 同意与反对

I'm in complete agreement.

I quite agree.

I couldn't agree more.



I agree.

You're right there.

I think you're right.

That's true.

That's right.

I disagree completely.

That's out of the question.

On the contrary.

Of course not!

That's ridiculous.

I don't agree.

That's not how I see it.

I wouldn't say that.

I don't think it will work.

I disagree.

