



1、《十送红军》…江西民歌 张士燮词 朱正本编曲

1, " ten " to send the reds ... Jiangxi folk song Zhang Shixieci Zhu Zhengben arranger

2、《红军战士想念毛泽东》…陈亚丁、任红举词 时乐蒙、彦克曲

The 2 Red Army soldiers, " " Miss Mao zedong ... Chen Yading, Ren Hong for word Mongolian music, Yan G.

3、《红星歌》…邬大为、魏宝贵词 傅庚辰曲

3, " star song " ... Wu was valuable, Wei Fu in words.

4、《映山红》…陆柱国词 傅庚辰曲

4, " azalea " ... Land Zhuguo word Fu in Song

5、《情深谊长》…王印泉词 臧东升曲

5, " eternal friendship " ... Wang Yinquan Zang Dongsheng song words

6、《过雪山草地》…肖华词 晨耕、生茂、唐诃、遇秋曲

6, " Snowy Mountain Grassland " ... Xiao Huaci morning Geng, documented, down to, when song

7、《五月的鲜花》…光未然词 阎述诗曲

7, " May flower " ... Rights of light word Yan Shushi song

8、《保卫黄河》…光未然词 冼星海曲

8, " defend the Yellow River " ... Rights of light word ch.

9、《在太行山上》…桂涛声词 冼星海曲

9, " in Taihang Mountain. " ... Many words in Ch.

10、《二月里来》…赛克词 冼星海曲

10, " in the February " ... Saike word ch.


11, " the song of Guerilla " ... He Lvting lyrics

12、《延安颂》…莫耶词 郑律成曲

12, " Yanan song " ... Moyer word Zheng Lvcheng song

13、《南泥湾》…贺敬之词 马可曲

13, " Nanniwan " ... Jingzhi word mark.

14、《东方红》…陕北民歌 李有源、公木词

14, " the East is red " ... The North Shaanxi folk song Li Youyuan, Lu Ci

15、《歌唱二小放牛郎》…方冰词 劫夫曲

15, " little cowherd " singing ... Fang Bingci Jiefu.

16、《团结就是力量》…牧虹词 卢肃曲

16, " unity is strength " ... Animal husbandry and rainbow Lu Suqu


17, " no place like home " ... Lv Qiming, Yang Shuzheng, Xiao Peiheng.

18、《红梅赞》…阎肃词 羊鸣、姜春阳、金砂曲

18, " a praise to red-plum " ... Yan Suci, Jiang Chunyang, Qu gold sand baa-lamb


19, " there'll be no new China without the Communist Party " ... Cao Mars.


20, " workers have power " ... Mark songs

21、《革命人永远是年轻》…劫夫词 劫夫、中艺曲

21, " forever young " ... Jiefu word Jiefu, arts and music


22, " Ode to the motherland " ... Wang Shen lyrics


23, " sun rises on the grassland " ... Beautiful the lattice.

24、《我的祖国》…乔羽词 刘炽曲

24, " my motherland " ... Qiao Yuci Liu Chiqu

25、《英雄赞歌》…公木词 刘炽曲

25, " hero " ... Liu Chiqu Lu


26, " Chairman Mao's words are written in the heart " ... Fu Gengchen lyrics

27、《远方的客人请你留下来》…范禹词 金国富原曲 麦丁整理改编

27, " please stay guests from afar " ... Fan Yuci Jin Guofu original song Maidin finishing adaptation

28、《快乐的节日》…管桦词 李群曲

28, " happy holiday " ... Birch Li Qunqu tube

29、《我们的田野》…管桦词 张文纲曲

29, " our fields " ... Tube birch words Zhang Wengang song

30、《让我们荡起双桨》…乔羽词 刘炽曲

30, "let us dangqishuangjiang ... Qiao Yuci Liu Chiqu

31、《人民军队忠于党》…张永枚词 肖民曲

31, " the people's army loyal to the party " ... A Yongmei word Xiao Minqu

32、《我爱祖国的蓝天》…阎肃词 羊鸣曲

32, " I love the blue sky of the motherland. " ... Yan Suci Yang Mingqu


33, " we walk in the road " ... Jiefu.

34、《唱支山歌给党听》…焦萍词 践耳曲

34, " a folk song to the party " ... Jiao Pingci practice ear song

35、《翻身农奴把歌唱》…李堃词 阎飞曲

35, " emancipated serfs sing " ... Li Kunci Yan Feiqu

36、《我为祖国献石油》…薛柱国词 秦咏诚曲

36, " I offer oil for the motherland " ... Xue Qin Zhuguo word Yongcheng song

37、《边疆处处赛江南》…袁鹰词 田歌曲

37, " everywhere " race southern frontier ... Yuan Yingci Tian Gequ

38、《工人阶级硬骨头》…希扬词 瞿维曲

38, " working class " hoe ... Xiyang word Qu Weiqu

