



Waiter: Are you ready to order now?

Guest: Yes.

Waiter: What would you like for your main dish?

Guest: One garden salad and one beef steak is ok.

Waiter: Ok, then which kind of salad dressing do you like?

Guest: French dressing.

Waiter: And how would you like your steak done?

Guest: Steak with black pepper sauce, medium well.

Waiter: Wait a moment please.

Waiter: Ok, and anything else, sir?

Guest: May I have a glass of red wine, please?

Waiter: Of course.

Guest: And that’s all, thank you.


W:Good evening ,can I help you?

A: A table for two,please.

W:This way,please.

A:This is my favourite restaurant.The food here is excellent and the price is reasonable.

J:Really? Let’s ask the waiter for the menu.

A(to waiter): May I see your menu,please?

W:Here are the menu.

A(to waiter):What’s today’special?

W:Today’s special is Fried fish(煎鱼)。Would you like to have a try?

A:NO,I don’t like fish very much,do you like it,Jacket?

J:Well,I don’t like fish,either.What about coast beef with swiss chess(乳酪),tomato and French dressing(法式汁)?

A:That sounds great,but yesterday I just tasted coast beef. So,if you like it ,just order that and I prefer something else,it is OK?

J:OK,and for drinking ,(turn to waiter)I want a glass of soda .

A:(to waiter):Well,I’d like a apple sauce(苹果沙司)and a bread sandwich(夹馅面包).Also,bring me a cup of tea ,please.

W:OK.Would you want some appetizers?The appetizers in our restaurant are popular with customers.

A:Yes,a chicken salad(鸡沙拉)and a Pot sticker(锅贴)please.

J: Two chocolate puddings for dessert as well.

W:OK,is that all? W:Can I bring anything else?

A:NO,check the bill,please.

W:33 dollars,please.

J:Let’s divide the cost.(分开付款)

A:It’s on me.

J:Thank you.

A:It’s my pleasure.

A(to waiter):Here are 35 dollars,keep the charge.

W:Oh,thank you.

A:May I have a receipt,please?

W:Of course.Please wait a minutes.


----C:Welcome!How many in your party? ----A:Two

----C This way, please.

----B:Can I have a look at the menu, please?

----C:Here you are.

----B:Could you give us a second, please?


----A:what do you want to eat?

----B:I don’t know, maybe hamburger or fried chicken.

----A:you shouldn’t eat this food any more, pay attention to your the way, we are ordering our breakfast.

----B:I am fed up! I just want to eat something I like!

----A:but you should be responsible for your health.

----B:okayokay,you make the order this time

----A:hey,waiter,I will make our order. What have you got this morning? ----C: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments and everything.

----A: okay,give me some cakes, and I’d like to have a glass of milk, please. I want my milk to be delivered 10minutes after my breakfast is ready, for I like to have it when I finished eating something. Is that okay?

----C:Sure,I have already taken it down. And would you like some eggs? ----A: Yeah, I want fried eggs, and be sure it is sunny side up.

----C:Sunny side up?

----A:yes.And I would rather have some sugar with it.

----B:dear,it seems that you forgot to order food for me.

----A:don’t be so anxious ,I am going to make your order.

----A:hey guy. just give him a dish of cream of wheat.

----C:okay,cereal is good for health, and anything else? We serve delicious dessert today.

----A: Do you want any dessert?

----B: What do you have or what do you like to recommend for me? ----A: strongly recommend sandwich cookie, I am sure the moment you take a taste of it you will fall in love with it.The flavor of it will definitely make an impression on you.

----B:sounds great, I’ll have a try. And just give me a cup of coffee. ----A:no way! I won’t let you drink coffee anymore unless I’m died! ----B:easy easy, I will take a cup of milk, just the same as you.

----A:okay,I hope you could eat a healthy diet everyday so that you can be in good health.

----B:And how long will it be before our breakfast is ready?

----C: I am afraid you will have to wait until 8 o’clock

----A:God! Somewhat late. see it is busy now and I will try to make it a little earlier

----B :But we have to attend a wedding at9,so we have to leave at 8:30.I hope it will not be too late.

----C:I will try my best to save your time. and do you want anything else?

----A: No, that’s enough. Thank you. I just hope we could be on time on jack and rose’ wedding.

----C:I will serve the dishes as soon as possible. Wish you have a nice day!

