

下面是小编整理的雅思高分作文欣赏, 希望对大家有帮助。


Is it necessary to forbid smoking? Give your reasons.


People have smoked tobacco for thousands of years.Cigarette smoking can be hazardous to a person’shealth. But to forbid smoking merely for thatreason, to my mind, is beyond question.

First, cigarette smoking for pleasure and relaxationhas become common. The effects of nicotine helpmake smoking pleasurable though its effect on thenerve system also causes many people to becomeaddicted to it. If we forbid this history-long habit ofsmoking, an innumerable number of people will immediately be affected, directly influencing thework they are engaged in, especially for heavy smokers.

Furthermore, tobacco ranks as an important crop in more than 60 nations. China leads intobacco production, followed by the United States and India. The taxes on tobacco productsprovide a major source of revenue for tobacco-growing countries. To forbid smoking means toend the tobacco industry and its related industries, thus weakening the economy of tobacco-growing nations and throwing a large number of workers into streets, leading to socialinstability.

After all, the decision to smoke is considered purely a personal choice. Since the surgeongeneral first warned about the health hazards of smoking in 1964, millions of people have quitsmoking. The popularity of smoking has been dropping because of decreased socialacceptance, increased cost of tobacco products and increased awareness of health risks.

In conclusion, it is imperative for governments to formulate policies regulating smoking toprovide protection for nonsmokers and to influence smokers to smoke less or quit rather thanforbid it.


Some people think that visitors to other countries should imitate local customs and behaviors. Other people disagree. They think that the host country should welcome different cultures.

What is your point of view on the issue?


The shifting of the term ‘a melting pot’, atraditional way of understanding America’s identityinto ‘ a salad bowl’, now preferred by manyminority groups, who have worked to preserve thedistinct culture of their group shows, in my opinion,the view of multiculturalism deep rooted among thepeople.

People of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may feelconfused when they deal with people there. This kind of cultural shock usually passes if aperson stays in a new culture long enough to understand it and get used to its ways. Some ofthem may also give up their old ways and imitate local customs and behaviors. In a multiculturalsociety, however, assimilation does not always occur.

A multicultural society, on the other hand, supports the view that many distinct cultures aregood and desirable. In the United States, for instance, millions of people speak both Englishand the language of their own culture. They eat both American foods, such as apple pie andethnic food. They celebrate both national holidays – Fourth of July and their ethnic holidays. InChinese communities across the United States, parades and other festivities mark the ChineseNew Year.

To conclude, multiculturalism, I think, outstrips the concept of assimilation for the formerwelcomes different ethnic groups and promotes freedom of expression and awareness andunderstanding of cultural differences. While ethnic groups in turn can bring variety andrichness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs.


What are the purposes of places such as museumsand how should they be funded?


A museum is a place where a collection of objectsillustrating science, art, history, or other subjects iskept and displayed. Therefore, the purpose ofmuseums is, to my mind, twofold: to collect andpreserve the results of human achievement andevidence of the natural world and to use thesecollections to enhance human knowledge andunderstanding.

A museum needs to acquire new objects to add toits collection. Many are gifts from people who collect such items as paintings, preciousstones, or sculpture. Other gifts include items that have been kept in a family for manygenerations. Sometimes a museum buys an item needed to fill a gap in one of its collections.Museum conservators clean, preserve, or restore objects before they are exhibited.

Many museums have an education department that gives lectures and classes on the museum’scollection. Most museums offer guided tours and other programs for children and adults. Forexample, science and technology museums have pioneered experimental methods of teachingand “hands-on” exhibits. Children’s museums also emphasize learning by touching and doing.Other activities provided by museums include art festivals, concerts, and hobby workshops.

The funding of the museum operations, as far as I know, can be multi-channel. These sourcesmay include foundations and corporations, national and local governments, and individuals aswell. A museum may also earn money to fund itself by charging admission fees, or selling giftsrelating to their exhibits, or by selling less desirable items from their collections.

