



难一见!郭晶晶与贝嫂拍封面 气场十足~

近期,网上一组郭晶晶与贝嫂维多利亚等人同框的封面大片曝光,系贝嫂Victoria Beckham、郭晶晶等人受邀为Hong Kong Tatler拍摄6月刊封面。


When it came to choosing who to feature with her in this photo shoot, Victoria was clear about what she wanted: modern women who reflect what brand VB stands for. Add multitasking, high-achieving and stylish to the mix, and you have the formula that led to this, our exclusive shoot featuring Victoria with Gigi Chao, Bao Bao Wan and Guo Jingjing, three women who could not be more apt as muses for her vision.


“I think she has become a role model and many high-achieving women share her same values and ambition,” says Jingjing, the former Olympic diver turned stylish Hong Kong mother, a woman who knows a thing or two about reaching the top of your game.


For businesswoman Gigi, another high-flier with a household name, her appeal is even more personal. “I think I am inspired by Victoria in the sense that I know what it’s like to want to demand something more of one’s life and one’s achievements,” she explains.


Jewellery designer Bao Bao, a fan since the start, agrees. “I’ve collected her dresses from the beginning, and while her style has definitely evolved, the spirit stays the same. You have to be a self-disciplined woman to wear Victoria Beckham. It takes a certain gesture of elegance to carry her dresses off; she almost asks of her clients to be how she is in her life, to remain graceful and elegant.”




Animal leather alternatives like Polyurethane and PVC leather may have solved the fashion industry's animal cruelty problem, but they are not the most environmentally friendly solutions. Piñatex – a new leather-like material made from pineapple leaves – on the other hand, may just be the all-around eco-leather we've all been waiting for.


Piñatex or "vegan leather" is the invention of Dr. Carmen Hijosa and her innovative materials company, Ananas Anam. While working in the Philippines as a consultant to the Product Development and Design Center of the Philippines in the '90s, she discovered the properties of pineapple leaf fibers and dedicated her life to creating sustainable alternatives to leather and petroleum-based textiles. After years of research, Ananas Anam has finally come up with what it believes is a viable alternative to animal leather. It recently showcased the versatility of Piñatex during a presentation held at the Royal College of Art in London, where designers displayed various clothing items and accessories made exclusively from the revolutionary material.

Piñatex,或者说“素皮革”,是卡门•伊卓莎博士及其材料创新公司Ananas Anam的发明。90年代,伊卓莎博士一直在菲律宾的产品研发和设计中心当顾问。那时,她注意到菠萝叶纤维的性能,并开始致力于创造可持续的皮革替代品和以石油为原料的织物。经过多年研究,Ananas Anam公司终于打造出自认为成功的动物皮革替代品。最近,该公司在伦敦皇家艺术学院向人们展示了Piñatex的多功能性。设计师们展示了专用这种革命性材料制成的多种衣物和配件。

This new vegan leather is made from bonded fibers that are extracted from pineapple leaves on plantations by farmers before they are cut up and layered. These fibers then go through an industrial process that yields the innovative Piñatex textile. The canvas-like materials can then be dyed, printed and treated to give it different thicknesses and types of texture, including leather. The production creates a byproduct of biomass which can be returned to the farmers to be used as fertilizer on their plantations. To produce one square meter of medium thickness Piñatex, 480 pineapple leaves are required. That may seem like a lot, but it's only the leaves from 16 pineapples, leaves which are otherwise just left to rot in the fields after the pineapples are picked.


Piñatex is still in development, and currently includes a non-biodegradable protective top layer for durability, but Ananas Anam is looking into natural alternatives in the hopes of soon making the material fully bio-degradable. Dr. Hijosa admits that it will take some time before vegan leather becomes market ready, but brands like Puma and Camper have already created sample shoes out of Piñatex, and designer Ally Capellino has turned into fashionable bags, and they all turned out quite well. As for how well items made of Piñatex actually perform in real-life usage conditions, that remains to be seen.

Piñatex仍处于研发阶段。目前人们正在尝试利用不可生物降解的保护层来延长它的使用寿命。不过Ananas Anam公司正在研究自然替代品,希望很快能让这种材料可完全生物降解。伊卓莎博士承认,素皮革距离上市仍需一段时间,不过彪马和露营者等品牌已经利用Piñatex打造出了一些样品鞋,英国的箱包品牌Ally Capellino也已将Piñatex制作成时尚箱包。这些产品的反响都很不错。至于Piñatex的制品在现实使用中的表现如何,仍有待观察。

To continue her research and hopefully turn Piñatex into a commercially-viable sustainable alternative to animal leather, Dr Hijosa is currently trying to secure more funding for Ananas Anam, of which she is the majority owner. She is also looking into other possible uses for Piñatex, including anti-bacterial wound bandages, as the material would allow air to circulate to an injury, and insulation for homes.

为了继续进行研究并希望将Piñatex变为商业上可行的、可持续的动物皮革替代品,伊卓莎博士正在为Ananas Anam公司筹集更多资金。她是公司的大股东。她仍在探索Piñatex的其它潜在用途,包括制成抗菌创可贴(该材料的透气性很好)和房屋的绝缘材料。




Julianne Moore, 55


At 55, Julianne Moore bucks the idea that women of a certain age need to have short hair. Her long locks help keep her waves in check. She told Redbook in 2014, “One of the reasons I wear my hair long now is that the weight helps keep it smooth.” As for her equally smooth skin? “Sunscreen is my number-one thing,” she said. “I’ve worn it every day since I was 23.”


Demi Moore, 53


The 53-year-old actress and model attributes her youthful skin to one thing: moisturizer. “I moisturize, moisturize, moisturize,” Moore told Marie Claire. “No matter how late it is, when I get home, I take the time to clean and moisturize my face. I’m a big believer in that if you focus on good skin care, you really won’t need a lot of makeup.”

这位53岁的女演员兼模特把她的年轻肌肤归功于一样东西:保湿霜。黛米•摩尔对时尚杂志《Marie Claire》说:“我保湿,保湿,保湿。我回家不管多晚,我都会花时间给脸做清洁和保湿。我坚信,如果你专注于良好的皮肤护理,你真的不需要化很多的妆。”

Iman, 60


Although former supermodel Iman claims that genetics are responsible for her aging so beautifully, her attention to her skincare and exercise regimen certainly help. Iman makes sure to clean and moisturize her face twice a day and never skips sunscreen. She uses SK-II Facial Treatment Cleanser, according to Harper's Bazaar, and does yoga and Pilates. “Cardio is the most important thing,” she told The Telegraph.


Viola Davis, 50


Award-winning actress and How to Get Away With Murder star Viola Davis shared her secret to smooth skin on The Ellen DeGeneres show. She rubs her skin with Crisco, the white vegetable shortening, to combat dry skin and reduce friction from bunions. She massaged Crisco onto her toes before the SAG Awards just in case, she told DeGeneres.


Rita Moreno, 84


Rita Moreno is best known for playing Anita in West Side Story, and the 84-year-old actress is the only Latina to win an Emmy, a Tony, a Grammy, and an Oscar. Moreno told Fox News Magazine she keeps her skin healthy thanks to exfoliating every day for years. She also shared some makeup tips: She recommends applying foundation with a brush and finishing with a sponge if you need to. And remember to blend well. “You always see the foundation end at the chin. It has to go further down. The decolleté area,” she said.


Tina Turner, 76


Age-defying singer Tina Turner has kept her famous legs looking fabulous over the years. The 76-year-old told the Mirror in 2009 that her not-so-secret secret to looking great - “The main reason I’ve stayed looking good is that I’ve spent 40 years doing the most intensive stage workouts ever,” she said. Her best tip to looking and feeling great at any age, however, is self-confidence. “My greatest beauty secret is being happy with myself,” she told Woman & Home magazine. “I believe that a lot of how you look is to do with how you feel about yourself and your life. Happiness is the greatest beauty secret.


Gloria Estefan, 58


Fifty-eight-year-old singer Gloria Estefan’s beauty secret starts with happiness and love, but her dedication to exercise and skincare also help her look her best, she says. She never sleeps with makeup on and exfoliates and exercises religiously, according to Healthy Living Made Simple. She recommends using a magnifying mirror when applying makeup so you can “see all that is going on with your skin.”

据《Healthy Living Made Simple》报道,58岁的歌手葛洛利亚的美丽秘密始于幸福和爱情,但她说努力锻炼和护肤也有助于她保持最佳状态。她从不带妆睡觉,十分认真的去角质和锻炼。她建议在化妆时使用放大镜,这样就可以“看到你皮肤的一切情况。”

Cindy Crawford, 50


Model Cindy Crawford turned 50 this year, and although she’s genetically blessed, she dished on some beauty secrets that have helped keep her looking half her age to Allure magazine. “You can get any plastic surgery in the world, but hair color is what enables women to look younger longer,” she said. She gives herself hair treatments to keep it conditioned. She also takes aging in stride, however, saying “I don’t care how much you work out or how much cream you put on - things change.”


