



1. Regarding grades,opinions are divided.Some people think grades are important because they are true reflections of the ability and the academic achievement of the students and have to do with their future;others think that while grades are necessary,they do not mean everyhing and should not be overemphasized. What is your opinion about grades?

2. Some people say keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve English writing.It can help cultivate the habit of thinking in English.What is your opinion?

3. Why do you think some handicapped people have negative attitudes towards life and how we should help them change all this?

4. Regarding the role of the aged,some think that all the aged is offered is a sick role—role of the infirm persom who is no longer useful to society,as ill health becomes more common with advancing age;while others think that the aged should be offerd a meaningful role and regarded as the wisest members of the community as the elders in a tradional society would be.What do you think?

5. Soppose you experienced an earthquake that occurred in a city and you were trapped in the ruins for two days with you r friend.You tried to comfort him because ,suffering from fear and hunger,he felt depressed. What would you tell him?

6. Friendship is important to all of us,but sometimes we do not know what kind of friends we need.Are they to be close or kept at arm’s length?Do we want to share everything with each other or do we want to walk on the surface?

7. With the increase of professionalism in football ,players’incomes have dramatically increased in recent years Some people do not think they have proved themselves worthy earners of so much ,while others think that they bave contributed so much.Please tell us you own idea.

8. Real love does not imply”I love you only when you are perfect” or “when you are what I expect you to be”.Real love is unconditional. Do you agree?

9. .Each September a teacher looks up and down the rows at the new faces,saying silently,“Look,kids I may not do anything else for you this year ,but not one of you coming out of here anobody.I won’t have one of you coming out of here thingking hinself into a zero.”What impresses you most about the teacher?

10. Spouses don’t have to be as gracious about the routine things now as they used to be around wedding.

11.Women are believed to be characterized by being “emotional” and their place is at home. Do you think so?

12. What are the advantages and disavantages of the fact that people are getting more and more dependent on computers?

13. What do you really desire to learn from the web site on the Internet?

14. Which do you prefer, reading daily newspapers or the capsule summaries on the net?

15.Plagiarism, which is a form of intellectual disonesty, is now serously corroding the integrity in academic fields. What is your attitude towards this phenomenon?

16. Do you agree that lodging students can devote more time and effort to academic work than non-lodging ones?

17. Do you agree that the handicapped students should study in special schools?

18. Fred allen once said “A celebrity is a person who works hard all his life to become known,then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.”what do you think of it?

19. Occasionally we read in the newspaper that some people stand watching indifferently a woman drowning in a river and no one makes any effort to save her. What is wrong with such people and what we should do about it?

20. Regarding the making of friends ,opinions are divided.Some people think that a simple direct approach is more efficient ;others say that we need to be less direct in order to cushion ourselves against possoble rejection and tne fright of exposing our own helplessness.What is your opinion?

21. It is said that the bond between a father and his son is unbreakable.It can be celebrated,cursed,and ridiculed.But it can’t be broken. What do you think of it?

22.There is a proverb: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. What is your idea about it?

23.If you were a public servant, what would you do about the bribes that had come upon you?Suppose you were a businessman , do you think you would try bribieng an official so that he wouldact in your interests?

24.You know people grumble about poverty as a great evil, and it seems to be accepted that if people have plenty of money, they will be happy and more useful, and get more out of life.Do you agree?

25.We used to think of climate as the unchanging weather patterns of an area. But ample evidence shows that global warming has become a great threat to our planet. What does the global change in climate mean to us?

