首先要在首行写上被通知的对象,例如To: All Managers。第二行开始言简意赅地写明事件。如同之前我们介绍的写商务信函一样,要记得遵守5W原则,也就是where、when、who、what、how。如:The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 5, at Meeting Room A.(下一次月例会将在4月5日周一上午10点在会议室1举行。)如果通知内容是变更会议时间地点,则可参照以下例文。The next Monthly Management Meeting (previously scheduled on Monday next week) has been rescheduled on Friday, April 9, same time, same place.(下一次月例会(之前确定在下周一召开)被改在4月9日周五召开,时间地点不变。)如果需要提前预告会议内容,则不妨另起一行,将会议安排陈述以下。Following is the agenda for the meeting:1. Purchase of New Office Computers2. Extension of Summer Holidays3. Budgetary Control以下是会议议程:1.讨论为办公室置备新电脑2.讨论关于延期暑期休假3.讨论控制经费预算末段可以写上与会者需要做哪些准备工作。If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda, let me know by e-mail by the end of this week. Thank you.(如果你有任何希望放进会议议程的项目,敬请在本周末前邮件告知我们。谢谢。)若是没有更多内容,则可以写上Looking forward to your participation.(期待您的出席。)等结束语表示礼貌。按照上面的说法,你也可以轻松写出一封标准的英语会议通知啦!