


In the past decades,there have been repeated discussions to give up Chinese medicine,it now has become a hot topic.Advocators believed that Chinese medicine is not scientifically based in comparison with West medicine.Though it's still debateable whether Chinese medicine is scientifically sound,no one can deny that it has rich philosophically content..From this perspective,Chinese medicine is totally different from western medicine.


A Chinese medicine doctor treats illness by the way of generalization,emphsis entirety and dialectical treatment,so some people view it as holistic medicine.A western medicine doctor treats illness by the symptoms.For example,if you have a sore throat,the western medicine doctor considers it as a throat problem,while a Chinese medicine doctor may link it to your stomach trouble.


What's the difference between Chinese medicine and western medicine in medical treatment?A Chinese medicine doctor determines the illness of the patient by inference through observing ,smelling,asking and feeling,while a western medicine doctor makes sure the illness of the patience by symptoms and evidence,such as body temperature or the result of lab test.A Chinese medicine doctor gets knowledge of the troubles of the internal organs by the complexion and tongue,while a western medicine doctor does it by means of lab test and then examine the symtoms to reinfore his judgement.Western medicine uses chemical-based medicine and surgery for medication,while Chinese medicine use Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.


For a patient,which is more preferable?It depends usually a Chinese doctor will recommend western medicine for intensive treatment,and Chinese medicine for recovery.Chinese medicine is more effective for some functional disease,the cause of which is difficult to make clear.


What will happen if Chinese medicine is indeed abandoned?I have no idea of it.For the patients surffering terminal disease,Chinese medicine is their last resort.It can not only alleviate pain but also offer an option of different treatment.




2.中医 英语作文:中医的优势


