



Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") is an integral part of Chinese culture. It has made great contributions to the prosperity of China. Today both of TCM and western medicine are being used in providing medical and health services in China. TCM, with its unique diagnostic methods, systematic approach, abundant historical literature and materials, has attracted many attentions from the international community. TCM is well recognized for its remarkable effectiveness in off setting the side effect caused by the toxic and chemical treatment of cancer cases in the western medical system.

TCM is defined as a medical science governing the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine. It includes Chinese medication, pharmacology/herbalogy, acupuncture, massage and Qigong.


Cupping the source of

Cupping therapy is a valuable heritage of Chinese medicine, one in Chinese Han people to use a long time. Ge Hong Jin Dynasty medical scientist with the "elbow back-up emergency party" where there are angle method documented. The so-called angle method is the use of hollowing out of the horns to pull abscess aspiration of foreign governing methods. Wang Tao of the Tang Dynasty "Taiwan Miyao," also describes the use of bamboo cupping to cure, such as in the text, said: "... ... take three fingers Daqing bamboo, long Cunban, a left section, no section of the first cut so thin like swords, cook the cheese Number of boiling, and heat out of cartridges, ink points according to the cage, a long time to break the corner cutter bombs, but also re-Kok, cook cheese, when a yellow and white Chishui, sub-a pus out, worm out there who count so Kok, so that out of evil things to do, is that is, except, when the head is also out as light. "angle from the above described method and system of green bamboo cupping of view, China's Jin, Tang Cupping of the era has long been popular.

Cupping a comfortable pull Bingti

"Cupping" is the private sector is commonly known as cupping therapy, also known as "pulling pipes" or "suction tube." It is the air tank with heat to exclude the use of negative pressure so that sorption in the skin, causing bleeding as a treatment method of the phenomenon. This treatment can be by cold dampness, dredge the meridians, dispel stasis, qi and blood circulation, reduces swelling, pain, diarrhea fever Sida has to adjust the body's yin and yang balance, lifting of fatigue, enhance physical function to achieve the rousing, cure The purpose of the disease. Therefore, many diseases can be treated with cupping therapy. For example: middle-aged, bones and muscles ache common, according to the interpretation of traditional Chinese medicine mostly rheumatoid Such is Life. Cupping Guankou cover their time in the affected area, you can slowly suck the moisture out of lesions, while promoting local blood circulation, to relieve pain, restore function, and consequently treatment of rheumatism, "Bi Tong" bones bitterness and so does not apply.

Cupping can do it because of gas-blood circulation, expelling wind and cold-dispelling, reduces swelling, pain, so the back muscle strain, lumbar disc herniation have a certain therapeutic effect. Dr. Lulu's briefing, fire can also be used in the body acupuncture points, the treatment of headache, dizziness, faces badly bruised, coughing, wheezing, abdominal pain and other illnesses, and more than fire can be implemented at the same time

Cupping Traditional Chinese Medicine on the principle:

Chinese medicine, cupping can be opened to vent Cou science, rousing. Disease is caused by pathogenic factors of yin and yang of the body Piansheng partial decline, the body movements of qi disorders, internal organs caused by blood disorders. When the body is affected by wind, cold, summer heat, wet, dry, fire, poison, trauma or internal injuries invasion blog, you can lead to dysfunctional organs, resulting in pathological product, such as congestion, qi, phlegm, Sushi, water turbid, Xiehuo and so on, these pathological product is pathogenic factors, through the meridians and acupoints to go channeling the body, against the indiscriminate air-stranded organs; deposition resistance in turn, eventually lead to all kinds of illnesses. Cupping resulting vacuum has a strong pull of the suction force, pulling the suction force acting on the meridian points, it can be to open pores and make skin absorption congestion, so that the body's pathological product from the skin pores to suck out of the body, so that able to dredge the meridian qi and blood, so that organs function to be adjusted to achieve the purpose of combating the disease. Chinese medicine, cupping can dredge meridians, adjust blood. Meridians have "blood-line, business yin and yang, Confucianism bones, Lee joint," the physiological functions, such as the meridians are not impeded General through the air, blood stagnation line, there may be skin, flesh, tendons, veins and joints dystrophy and atrophy, adverse , or blood do not wing, Six Hollow Organs were not delivered and so on. By cupping the skin, pores, meridians, acupuncture points of the suction pull the role of anger can lead battalion Wei lost before a cloth, agitation meridians qi, Ru Yang organs tissues and organs, very inviting fur, while virtual decline of the organs function to be excited, smooth meridian, adjust the body's yin and yang balance so that blood can be adjusted so as to achieve fitness illnesses Liaoji purposes.

Western medicine on the principle of cupping

Modern medicine, cupping treatment tank role in the formation of negative pressure, so that local capillary congestion and even rupture, rupture of red blood cells, skin congestion, there own hemolysis, then produce a histamine histamine and classes of substances, with the body fluids of weeks Stream body, to stimulate the various organs, to enhance its functional activity, can improve the body's resistance. Modern medicine, cupping negative pressure stimulus, enabling the expansion of local blood vessels, promote blood circulation, improve congestive state, strengthen the metabolism, changes in nutritional status of local organizations to enhance the permeability of blood vessel wall and leukocyte phagocytic activity, enhance the body's physical and human immunity. Modern medicine, cupping pressure on local parts of the suction pull, can speed up the blood and lymph circulation, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improving digestive function and promote. Speed up the muscle and internal organs on the Elimination of metabolite excretion.

Cupping cans left spot, as well as the significance of color

Common tank spots are flushing, purple or purplish black ecchymosis, small point-like purple rash, but also often accompanied by varying degrees of heat pain. These changes in the skin are cupping therapy effect, and sustainable one to several days.

Cupping, the tank spot, such as noticeable blisters, edema, and water vapor-like, indicating that patients with wet wet Sheng or because of the illness experience.

Sometimes, after the blisters Secheng drawing blood red or black and red, indicating that the wet long illness folder pathological response to stasis.

Cans dark red spot appears, Zihei or Dan dehydration phenomena, the micro-touch pain, and those who see the body heat, indicating that patients have a heat-toxin syndrome.

Such as cans purple or purplish black spot appears, no Dan stasis and heat phenomena, indicating that there is congestion in patients with disease.

Can spot-free skin color changes, do not touch the warm, multi-show patients Deficiency Syndrome.

In case of micro-itching spot cans or there Piven, the wind's disease patients had more than that.

Generally disease-free more than those who had no significant change in tank spot.

About Our Massage Services

Massage is the practice of soft tissue manipulation. It involves acting on the body and manipulating it with pressure. The masseur may use his hands, fingers, elbows, forearm, and even his feet to manipulate the tissue. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, joints, connective tissue, lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. In China, massage is widely practiced and taught in hospitals and medical schools and is an essential part of primary healthcare.

At Sam’s Massage Center, clients lie fully clothed on a massage table. If cupping on scraping treatments are requested, the area to be treated is exposed. Full body oil massage requires partial disrobing. Blankets are available to keep the client warm should the client feel cold during the massage.

Chinese Medical Massage (Tui Na)

Chinese Medical Massage is good if you are experiencing pain in one or more parts of your body, such as neck pain, lower back pain, shoulder pain, slipped discs, sciatic nerve pain, stomach problems (such as indigestion, heartburn, or digestive problems), or intestinal problems. The masseur can give you an all-over massage and focus on specific areas with pain or do a treatment on the affected area. The masseur uses shiatsu, or acupressure, to relieve pain. The masseur may use his thumbs, palms, elbow, and forearm while performing the massage.

Sam’s Therapeutic Massage

Sam’s Therapeutic Massage is a deep tissue, all-over body massage. The masseur uses his thumbs to apply pressure to pressure points in the body, then releases his thumb from the point. You may experience some pain during the application of pressure, but the end result is that you will feel relief when the pressure is released.

Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscles and connective tissue. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is recommended for clients who experience constant pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, or have sustained a physical injury.

Special Woman’s Massage

Our special woman’s massage concentrates on areas of special concern for woman. The massage consists of a medical massage with attention paid to the pelvic area and the muscles above the breasts.

Oil Massage

We use aromatic essential oils and massage techniques similar to Swedish massage. Oil massage consists of broad, circular strokes with no pressure point or deep tissue massage techniques. Oil massage is soothing and a great way to feel relaxed and refreshed. We especially recommend oil massage if you have been having difficulty sleeping.

Foot Massage

Our foot massage is different from traditional Chinese foot massage in that we perform the massage while the client is recumbent. We do not soak the feet in water but apply hot, wet towels to the feet before starting the massage. We use an emollient cream to soften and moisturize the feet during the massage. The masseur uses reflexology techniques to pinpoint problem areas in your body and improve your health.



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