


One of the most visited countries in the world, France conjures up an image of long hot summer days and probably the desire not to come home again. When we think of France we usually think of fine wine and cuisine, exceptional scenery and a laid back lifestyle which is the envy of the world. The diverse landscape – which has inspired centuries of influential writers, artists and poets – include huge mountain ranges, acres of green countryside and miles of gorgeous coastline. Paris aside, here are ten of the most beautiful places to visit in France (in no particular order): 1. Loire Valley An area of outstanding natural beauty, the Loire Valley is also affectionately known as the garden of France. The valley is filled with culturally and historically important architecture which has earned it a world heritage site status- unsurprisingly it’s one of the most visited places in the country. Renowned for its large collection of fairytale-esque chateaux and mansions, exceptionally beautiful landscapes and one of the most striking rivers in Europe the Loire Valley is a gentle but most definitely bourgeois paradise.

1.卢尔河谷 卢瓦尔河谷拥有绝美的的自然风光,被亲切地称作“法国的花园”。很多重要的历史文化建筑坐落于此,让卢瓦尔河谷跻身世界文化遗产的行列,也就不奇怪它是法国游客最多的旅游景点了。众多古老神秘的城堡和塔楼,独特的风景和一条欧洲最引人注目的河流让卢瓦尔河谷享誉世界,它温文尔雅却也是纸醉金迷的天堂。

2. Mont Saint-Michel Second only to the Eiffel Tower as France’s best-loved landmark, Mont St-Michel is rocky, peaked island which is connected by a causeway to northwest France. An imposing sight sitting amid sandbanks and powerful tides, the heritage site is most celebrated for its Gothic-style Benedictine abbey. Directly below the grand monastery is a medieval village complete with winding streets, small houses and souvenir shops. The island is accessible at all times except when the tide is very high.

2. 圣米歇尔山 作为仅次于埃菲尔铁塔的法国最受欢迎的景点,圣米歇尔山岩石密布,尖瘦的小岛以一条堤道与法国南部相连。最让人印象上深刻的是它的沙丘和汹涌的潮汐,它同样以哥特式的本笃会修道院而出名。大修道院的正下方是一个中世纪小村庄,迂回的街道两旁是一些小房子和纪念品商铺。

Côte d’Azur The Mediterranean coastline of southeast France is otherwise known as the French Riviera. Although expensive and over-developed to some, with its miles of gorgeous coastline and azure waters it’s still one of the most beautiful places in France. The area has attracted and transfixed many visitors over the years including royalty, celebrities, writers and artists such as Pablo Picasso, and Henri Matisse. The Côte d’Azur is also famed for it’s stylish coastal cities such as Nice, Cannes and St-Tropez, which still remain exclusive holiday resorts even today.

天蓝海岸 法国东南部地中海沿岸最为人熟知的是法国里维埃拉。尽管某种程度上说它有点贵而且过度开发,但拥有迷人的海岸线和天蓝色的海水足以让它成为法国最迷人的地方之一。数年来,这里吸引了无数游客,惊艳四座,包括贵族、名人、作家和像毕加索、马蒂斯一样的艺术家。天蓝海岸还以它周边的时尚之都而出名,包括尼斯、戛纳和圣洛佩兹,这些至今依然是不可多得的度假胜地。

Giverny Giverny is a riverside rural idyll located on the borders of Normandy which is most famous for being the birthplace of impressionism. The small village was once Claude Monet’s cherished country retreat and now both his pink shutterboard house and highly photogenic country gardens are open to the public. Planted by Monet himself, the walled water garden (which inspired so many of his famous paintings) features white and purple wisterias, water lilies, weeping willows, bamboo and the iconic green Japanese bridge.

吉维尼 吉维尼是一个坐落在诺曼底边境上的河畔田园村落,因它是印象派的发源地而得名。它曾是莫奈的隐居之所,如今他的粉红木屋和上镜的乡间花园都对公众开放。围墙包围的水边花园里很多都是莫奈亲自种下的花草,白色和紫色相间的藤蔓,潺潺流水,飘扬的绿柳,青竹和绿色的日式小桥。

Versailles A wealthy suburb of Paris, Versailles is an important administrative centre and a proud tourist attraction in its own right. It’s most famous for its chateau – the grand and ornate Palace of Versailles which once housed the kings of France, (including the ill-fated Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette). Both the beautifully preserved palace and manicured gardens are extraordinary and they also offer an interesting insight into the lives of 18th century French royalty before the start of the legendary Revolution.

凡尔赛 凡尔赛位于富饶的巴黎郊区,它是个重要的行政中心,同时它本身也是个观光胜地。它最有名的当数高大精致的凡尔赛宫,曾一度是法国国王的居所(包括不幸的路易十六和他的妻子玛丽•安托瓦内特)保存完好的宫殿和精心修剪的花园都美不胜收。他们还提供机会,让游客领略大革命前十八世纪法国贵族的奢华生活。

Annecy, The Alps The French Alps are best known for its prestigious ski resorts, although the region is also home to many pretty towns which are great to visit, summer or winter. One of the most attractive is Annecy which has a medieval picture-postcard quality. The centre is built around a 14th century Chateau and the whole town is interspersed with small canals which is why some locals refer to it as the ‘Venice of Savoie.’ With its canals and backdrop of snowy mountains, Annecy is easily one of the most photogenic towns in France.

安纳西,阿尔卑斯山脉 法国境内的阿尔卑斯山脉主要以它著名的滑雪胜地而广为人知,当然它也是许多风情小镇的故乡,不论冬夏都是值得一去的地方。其中最迷人的是安纳西,它拥有和中世纪明信片一样的美丽。中心是一座建于十四世纪的古老城堡,整个小镇被一条小小的护城河点缀着,也正因如此,当地人称它为“萨瓦的威尼斯”(注:在东南部,相当于今萨瓦省和上萨瓦省)。缓缓流淌的护城河,背靠无暇的雪峰,让安纳西成为最上镜的法国小镇。

Champagne-Ardenne The birthplace of champagne is also one of the most beautiful regions in France and of course it’s very popular with wine trail tourists. In addition to the miles of Champagne Routes, the region has exceptionally scenic countryside, medieval chateaux and vineyards as far as the eye can see. Make sure you visit the region’s capital Troyes for impressive art and architecture and Reims for its famous cathedral and acres of underground wine cellars. 7阿登高地—香槟之乡 香槟的发源地也是法国最美的地方之一,当然,它还以“美酒之路”吸引大量游客。除了长长的“香槟之路”,该地区还有景色秀丽的乡村,中世纪古堡和看不到边际的葡萄藤架。请一定要去它的首都特鲁瓦看看那些艺术和建筑杰作,还有兰斯的大教堂和巨大的地下酒窖。

Strasbourg Located right on the border of Germany and France this heritage city has distinct characteristics of both countries. It’s a picturesque, almost twee town radiating an old world charm which really draws the visitors. Famous for its riverfront half-timbered houses, beautiful gothic cathedral and fondness for flowers, it also makes a great base for those wishing to visit the nearby Black Forest or the River Rhine. 8.拉斯堡 斯特拉斯堡位于德法交界处,独特的地理位置让这座古城同时拥有两个国家的别样风情。它如诗如画,又几近风情万种,散发着旧时代的魅力,吸引了万千游客的眼球。河畔半木质的房子,美丽的哥特式大教堂和对鲜花的偏爱让它久负盛名,对于那些想去“黑暗森林”和莱茵河的游客来说,它也是个不错的落脚地。

Provence Although this region encompasses other places on this list, Provence deserves a mention of its own. It has a very diverse geography but Provence is best known for its irresistible countryside landscapes filled with endless lavender fields, lush olive groves and ancient hilltop villages. Long lazy days and alfresco lunches await you in this rural chic paradise. Make sure you include a trip to the impossibly picturesque villages of Baux-de-Provence and St. Rémy and also the spectacular walled city of Avignon. 9.普罗旺斯 尽管普罗旺斯已经包含了列举的其他地方,但它本身还是很值得一提的。普罗旺斯拥有千变万化的地貌特征,但最著名的还是那令人难以抗拒的乡村景色,无边无际的薰衣草地,茂密的橄榄树林,还有坐落在山顶的古老村落。在这天堂般的别致村庄,漫长慵懒的日子和丰盛的露天午餐正等候你的到来。一定要记得来这些风景如画的地方,波城,圣雷米和城墙环绕的城市——雄伟的阿维尼翁。

The Gorges du Verdon Europe’s answer to the grand canyon, this deep cliff gorge located in the Provence region is a visitor hot spot. Here you’ll find bright turquoise green waters, outstanding scenery and an abundance of wildlife – it’s not difficult to see why this gorge is so popular. Easily accessible from the French Riviera, the national park is a great spot to climb, hike, kayak or just go for a scenic drive. 10.凡尔登大峡谷 说到欧洲的大峡谷,陡峭险峻的凡尔登大峡谷必然是热门景点。在这里你可以找到绿松石般的河水,迷人的景色和大量野生动物,也就不难理解它为何如此受欢迎。从法国里维埃拉可以轻易到达这里,这里的国家公园是登山,远足和划皮艇的最佳地点;当然,仅仅来此兜风看风景也是很不错的。

