





He took to studying English 5 years ago.


The charge for admission is US$5.


We stipulated at 5 o'clock. 我们约定好了是在5点钟。

Have you 5 pounds on you? 你身上有5英镑吗?

He laid down 5 bottles of best wine on their wedding day. 在他们的结婚日他贮藏了5瓶最好的酒。

Will you rush off another 5 copies? 您能不能很快地再印5份?

Listing 5 below shows you how to do it. 下面的 清单5 向您展示如何做到这一点。

You can do all of this with a $5 toy gyro. 你们能用一个5块钱的玩具陀螺来做这些。


If you only have 20 minutes to read, read for 15 and spend 5 minutes thinking on what you’ve read. 如果你只有20分钟时间读书,花15分阅读,剩下的五分钟思考一下你之前都读到些什么。

If the one digit is 5 or greater, round to the greater ten. 如果数字等于或是高于5,则四舍五入到较大的十位数。

Now at any point in the day starting at 5 in the morning, there can be that samelevel of intensity and pressure to get something out. 现在,在一天中从早晨5天开始的的任何时刻,找出一些有意义的事物那种强度和压力的程度可能是相同的。

After you save the script, you run it as shown in Listing 5. 在保存该脚本之后,您可以运行它,如清单5 中所示。

Our application does not get any request messages through it, as shown in Figure 5, so these responses are all that are important. 我们的应用程序不能通过它(如图5 所示)获取任何请求消息,所以这些响应都是非常重要的。

Listing 5 shows an instance of the above schema. 清单5展示了上述模式的一个实例。

So, with this information entered, you have provided all the necessary deploymentinformation, and your deployment configuration should resemble the one shownin Figure 5. 这样,输入这些信息后,会给您提供所有必要的部署信息,而且您的部署配置应该类似于 图5所显示的那样。

If you need this capability, copy the code from Listing 5. 如果您需要这项功能,请复制清单5的代码。

Listing 5 represents each row of the worksheet as an entry, while Listing 6represents each cell of the worksheet as an entry. 清单5 将工作表的每一行表示为一个条目,而 清单6 将工作表的每个单元格表示为一个条目。

AND traceability is possible when an expectation (or expectation result) traces outof one other expectation, which in turn traces out of another expectation, and so on, as shown in Figure 5. 当一个期望(或期望结果)追溯到一个其他的期望,并依次追溯到另一个期望时,AND可溯性是可能的,如图5 所示。

I love this because I would go around to all these angel investors 0 and VCs andcharge them $5 or $50 to show them my new idea. 我喜欢这个成果,因为这样我就能四处拜访天使投资者,和风险资本家,收取他们5或50美元的费用0,向他们展示我的新想法。

Figure 5 shows an example of this model. 图5展示了这个模型的一个例子。

I used it for every tooth I lost, and each tooth netted me $5. 我用它来装我掉的每颗牙,每掉一颗,我就能得到5美金。

Well, sometimes they are related, but who cares –this is one of those 5 minutes offun sites that you’ll most probably forget about in an hour. 好吧,有时它们还是有点关联的,但是谁在意呢-这是那类5分钟娱乐网站之一-你极有可能在一个小时内忘记它。

Then we save that to the application session, as shown in Listing 5. 然后我们将此状态保存到应用程序会话,如清单5 所示。

To do this, execute the commands shown in Listing 5. 要做到这一点,请执行 清单5 中所示命令。

That is the basic equation we will use to calculate availability of individualcomponents -- you can find it on spreadsheet sheet 5, "Capacity & Availability". 这是我们将用于计算单独组件的可用性的基本等式--您可以在电子表格5 中发现它,“容量和可用性”。

Figure 5 shows an example of how annotations appear in the document analyzer.图5中的例子展示注释如何出现在文档分析器中。

I could just add default implementations to the abstract class as shown in Figure 5. 像 代码5 这样,我可以仅仅向抽象类中添加一些默认的实现。

You can abstract this out with yet another convenience function, shown in Listing5. 可以用另一个便利函数抽象这个过程,如清单5 所示。

