





The score in the football game was 4 - 1.


I can take up to 4 people in my car.


He stirred me at 4 this morning. 他今早4点钟就把我叫醒了。

The rifle is able to throw a bullet about 4 miles. 这把来复枪可以把子弹射出大约4英里。

If you whip through the work this morning you can get 4 dollars. 如果你今天上午能很快干完这项工作,你可以得到4美元。

Our team tallied 4 scores when we played against them. 在和他们比赛时我们队得了4分。


Then 4. Repeat until you have memorized every sentence in your notes. 然后4.重复一直到你记住笔记上面所有的句子.

You can add in some metadata for your embedded media, as in Listing 4. 您可以为嵌入的媒体添加一些元数据,如 清单4中所示。

With young kids, I feel like I’m using mine up 4 hours at a time because someoneis either sick, or, there’s something going on at school and I have to be out of theoffice for part of the day. 和小孩子们在一起,我觉得我每次都要花上至少4个小时来处理一些事情,或是因为其中一个生病了,或是因为学校发生些什么事情了,使我必须离开办公室,花上半天功夫来处理。

I lived in Europe for almost 4 years and I would say not just in some ways, butperhaps in all ways, we have done that. 我在欧洲生活了将近4年,我想说,不止是在一些方面,而或许是在所有方面,我们做得都好于欧洲人。

In the city, in our school campus, everywhere is surrounded with roses which wetogether planted 4 years ago. 在这座城市,在我们的校园,到处都是玫瑰朵朵,这是4年前我们共同栽培的。

If we were to add another row to this table, it would have an identifier of 4. 如果我们向这个表中添加另外一行,那么该行的标识将会是4。

For bindings connections, you should look for maybe 4 to 5 threads perprocessor. 对于绑定连接,您将看到每个处理器或许有4到5 个线程。

In Figure 4, you can see the view after the deletion. 在图4 中,在删除之后,您可以看到该视图。

I have eaten 4 cakes, but I still want another. 我已经吃了4块蛋糕,但是我还要以块。

At this stage, we could represent our sample data pretty well, as shown in Listing4. 目前,我们已经可以很好地表示我们的示例数据了,如清单4 所示。

On the next panel (Figure 4), specify where the backup directory should becreated. 在下一个面板中(图4)指定应该在何处创建备份目录。

If all goes well, you should see a login success message, as in Figure 4. 如果一切顺利,您将看到一条成功登录消息,如 图4 所示。

You should start managing changes and configurations at maturity level 2 andtrack its progress until you achieve the goal for maturity level 4. 您应该在成熟度等级2 上开始管理变更及配置,并且跟踪其发展,直到您实现了成熟度等级4 的目标。

As shown in Listing 4, you can continue this process by creating a new file withinthe new mounted file system, associating it with a loop device, and creatinganother file system on it. 如清单4 所示,还可以继续这个过程:在刚才挂装的文件系统中创建一个新文件,将它与一个循环设备关联起来,再在上面创建另一个文件系统。

In Listing 4, you see two sections to the template. 在 清单4 中,您看到了模板的两个部分。

When you set up a simple call to this function with a date that you know willretrieve some events, you get the results shown in Listing 4. 当您使用您知道将检索到一些事件的日期设置对这个函数的一个简单调用时,您将得到如 清单4 所示的结果。

The example in Listing 4 uses string values for the parameters, but you can useany object. 清单4中的示例使用字符串值作为参数,但是您可以使用任何对象。

The problem with a query like Listing 4 is that it requires a number of steps, someof which can be resource intensive. 象清单4 中的查询所具有的问题是它需要许多步骤,而其中的一些步骤可能涉及到大量资源。

For example, for every iPod that the United States decides not to import, the"decline" in recorded exports from China is $150 — but only about $4 of thatvalue was added in China. 例如,当美国决定不进口音乐播放器时,每一个音乐播放器进口的“减少”在中国出口记录中为150美元——但只有约4美元是中国的增加值。

Advance this pointer-- this finger, to the next element of the list which is 4, makethe comparison. 前移这个指示器--也就是这根手指,让它指向列表中的,下一个元素4,再做比较。

I begin, however, with the biology of sex (Chapter 4). 然而,我是从性的生物学开始(第4章)。

In Listing 4, the class need not be known statically at all. 在清单4 中,该类根本不需要被认为是静态的。

Listing 4 shows the code for this example event definition. 清单4展示这个示例事件定义的代码。

