



It had been three years since King Zhuang of Chu ascended the throne, but he had neither issued a decree nor dealt with any state affairs. Furthermore, there were no deeds worth mentioning. All the civil and military officials of the court couldn't understand what was the matter.


One day, a military official quietly asked King of Chu in the carriage:


"Your Majesty, I heard that in the south, there was a big bird dwelling in the hills. Three years passed, it neither flew nor cried. Could Your Majesty tell me the reason?"


King Zhuang of Chu smiled and answered:


"It didn't spread its wings to fly for three years in order to grow full-fledged. It didn't cry for three years in order to carefully observe the conditions of the people in the world. This bird, once it flies, will soar high into the sky; once it cries, it will startle the world with a single cry."


Another half a year passed before King Zhuang of Chu began to personally administer state affairs. He abolished ten outmoded rules and regulations, issued nine new policies, sentenced five ministers to death for their evil deeds and promoted six persons with real talents. From then on, the State of Chu became stronger and stronger.



There was, a man who came to the palace of the State of Chu and gave the guard a kind of medicine for immortality to be presented to the king.


As the guard held the medicine in both hands and walked towards the inner palace, he met an archer of the bodyguard. The archer asked him:


"Is what you hold in hands edible?"


The guard answered:


"Of course, it is."


Upon hearing this, the archer snatched the medicine, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it.


The King of Chu was very angry. He ordered to have the archer beheaded. The archer said:


"It is not my fault but the fault of the guard, because he told me `It is edible.' "


Then he continued:


"This is a medicine for immortal life. Now I have taken it, but I am going to be killed by Your Majesty. Then, the so-called medicine for immortal life will become `a medicine hastening death', won't it? The man who presented this medicine was trying to deceive Your Majesty."


Finally he said:


"If today Your Majesty should kill me, an innocent man, then people would say: `The King would rather be deceived than believe his own bodyguard.'"


While the King of Chu heard this, he felt that there was something in what the archer said, so he let him go.


