

以下是小编整理的故事类英语美文欣赏:美人鱼的传说, 希望对你有所感触。

Stories of mermaids have been told for centurie be itin the form of folklore, legends or fairy tales. Images of this creature have plagued artists andwriters in their efforts to bring to life the mystery, beauty, and, ye eroticism of the mermaid totheir audiences. Some still claim, even today, that they exist.


The mermaid and merman legends begin with the worship of god as have many mythologies.The earliest representations and descriptions of these now well-known creatures can be tracedback as far as the eighth century BC, where merfolk got their beginnings as pagan waterdeities and supernatural female water beings.


The Babylonians were known to worship a sea-god called Oanne or Ea. Oannes was reputedto have risen from the Erythrean Sea and taught to man the arts and sciences. In the Louvretoday can be seen an eighth century wall-scene depicting Oannes as a merman, with a fish-liketail and the upper-body of a man.


The Syrians and the Philistines were also known to have worshiped a Semitic mermaid moon-goddess. The Syrians called her Atargatis while the Philistines knew her as Derceto. It is notunusual or surprising that this moon-goddess was depicted as a mermaid as the tides ebbedand flowed with the moon then as it does now, and this was incorporated into the god-likepersonifications that we find in their art and ancient literature. Atargatis is one of the firstrecorded mermaid and the legend says that her child Semiramis was a normal human and,because of thi Atargatis was ashamed and killed her lover. Abandoning the infant she becamewholly a fish.


In Japanese and Chinese legends there were not only mermaids but also sea-dragons anddragon-wives. The Japanese mermaid known as Ningyo was depicted as a fish with only ahuman head. Polynesian mythology includes a creator named Vatea who was depicted as half-human and half-porpoise.


Greek and Roman mythology is often placed together as the two are very similar, and it is inthe literature from these cultures that one finds the first literary description of the mermaidand, indeed, mermen. Poseidon and Neptune were often depicted as half-man and half-fish, andHomer mentions the Sirens during the voyage of Odysseu although he fails to give a physicaldescription.


The British Isles too had their fair share of merfolk mythology. The Cornish knew mermaids asMerrymaids; the Irish knew them as Merrows or Muirruhgach and some sources write that theylived on dry land below the sea and had enchanted caps that allowed them to pass through thewater without drowning. While the women were very beautiful, the men had red nose piggy eyegreen hair and teeth, and a penchant for brandy.


Germanic mythology has the Meerfrau, the Nix and the Nixe who were male and female fresh-water inhabitant and it was believed that they were treacherous to men. The Nixe lured mento drown while the Nix could be in the form of an old dwarfish character or as a golden-hairedboy and, in Iceland and Sweden, could take the form of a centaur. The Nix also loved music andcould lure people to him with his harp; if he was in the form of a horse he would tempt peopleto mount him and then dash into the sea to drown them. While he sometimes desired a humansoul he would often demand annual human sacrifices. There was also the more elven-like Nixiesthat would sometimes appear in the market; she could be identified by the corner of her apronbeing wet. If she paid a good price it would be an expensive year, but if she paid a low price theprices for that year would remain cheap. In the Rhine were to be found the Lorelei from whichthe town took its name. The Germans also knew the Melusine as a double-tailed mermaid as didthe British heraldry as well.


With the growth of science, the fantastic became childish amongst the writers of the growingeducated, especially during the eighteenth century, but began to flourish again with theRomantic Movement at the turn of the century. It was also the time, however, for thescientifically-minded to do their utmost to dispel the myth of the mermaid, claiming that all therecorded sightings were simply men who'd been at sea too long and wanting to believe, and so,when a seal, porpoise, dugong or manatee was spotted from the ship, they'd swear they'dseen a mermaid.


It is not until the twentieth century that the mermaid is tossed back and forth between thosethat believe, or want to believe, and those that stand behind their logic and scientific proof thata creature such as the mermaid simply cannot exist. A wonderful film of these two meeting isthe film Splash, with Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. No matter how the mermaid is used or whatrole she plays she will always retain her mysterious air. Perhaps the next move is a morefeminine one, bringing back the myth of the mermaid protecting women, or the soul of thewoman drowned before her natural time of death…


