

1. 表示“……的入口”,其后通常接介词 to。如:

Where’s the entrance to the cave? 这个洞穴的入口在哪里?

The entrance to the city was blocked up. 城门口被堵住了。


He was on the watch for his brother at the front entrance of the school. 他在学校大门口守候着他的哥哥。

A massive boulder blocked the entrance of the cave. 一块巨大的圆石堵住了山洞的入口。


I’ll meet you at the entrance to [of] the theatre. 我将在剧院门口和你见面。

2. 表示准许进入某场所、某组织、某机构等(此时的 entrance不可数),其接通常要接介词 to,不接of。如:

Entrance to the exhibit is on weekdays only. 只有在周日才能参观本展览。

They were refused entrance to the club. 他们被拒于俱乐部门外。

3. 表示进入某一具体的场所,动词enter后习惯上不接介词into,但是在类似情况下,名词entrance后可以接into。如:

Bridget made a dramatic entrance into the room. 布丽奇特进屋时动作很夸张。

4. 用于名词前作定语(无需介词to与of),尤其注意以下两个搭配:

(1) entrance fee 入场费

There is no entrance fee to the gallery. 进入美术馆不收入场费。

The entrance fee is $10 per head. 入场费每人10美元。

(2) entrance examination 入学考试

He took the college entrance examinations but didn’t get in. 他参加了高考但未被录取。

