人教版高二英语必修5Unit 3期末检测试题


学习高二英语,除了认真听课之外,还要怎样有效的做练习呢?接下来不妨和小编一起来做份人教版高二英语必修5Unit 3期末检测试题,希望对各位有帮助!

人教版高二英语必修5Unit 3期末检测试题及答案


1.________ adj.乐观(主义)的→________ n.乐观(主义)

2.________ n.沙漠;荒原→________ vt.遗弃;舍弃

3.________ n.公民;居民;市民

4.________ n.打字员→________ n.打字机→________ vt.& vi.打字

5.________ n.邮资→________ n.邮政编码

6.________ n.瞬间;片刻 adj.立即的;立刻的

7.________ n.生态;生态学

8.________ adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的

9.________ n.原料;材料

10.________ adj.回收利用;再利用

11.________ n.代表;典型人物 adj.典型的;有代表性的→________ v.代表

12.________ n.定居;解决→________ vt.

答案:1.optimistic;optimism 2.desert;desert 3.citizen

4.typist;typewriter;type 5.postage;postcard 6.instant

7.ecology 8.greedy 9.material 10.recycle

11.representative;represent 12.settlement;settle


1.________________ 加速

2.________________ 在太空

3.________________ 三十一世纪一些最新的发明

4.________________ 处理;清除

5.________________ 被转化为

6.________________ 在空间站

答案:1.speed up 2.in space 3.the most uptodate inventions of the 31st century 4.dispose of 5.be turned into 6.in space station


1.__________________________(太空站被描绘成一个巨大的圆盘),it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth’s gravity.

答案:Described as an enormous round plate

2.But we cannot______________________(将使用者的这一过错归咎于工具本身),can we?

答案:blame the tools for the faults of the user


1.The sign reads“In case of fire,break the glass and push the red ________(按钮).”


2.We should throw the rubbish into the ________(垃圾箱)near the roadside.


3.How can we build a house without building ________(材料)?


4.She’s Italian by birth but now is an Australian ________(公民).


5.They argue that the plan would damage the island’s ________(生态).


6.Taking tablets is easy;just put them in your mouth and ________(吞下).



1.“Good evening ________ all the guests from China,”said the host.


2.After the operation her condition was described ________ comfortable.


3.Our thanks go to everybody who has worked ________this project.


4.She loved her lessons, always asking questions, greedy ________ more information.


5.His first novel was turned ________ a movie for television.


6.Don’t stare ________ people like that;it’s rude.


7.He doesn’t blame anyone ________ his father’s death.


8.The waste can cause serious damage to the environment if not disposed ________properly.



1.________some people come here for a short break, others have decided to stay forever.

A.Because B.If

C.Once D.While


2.(2011年福州高二检测)“I don’t think it is my ________ that the TV doesn’t work.I just turned it on,that’s all,”said the boy.

A.error B.mistake

C.fault D.duty

解析:选C。考查词义辨析。句意:那个男孩说:“电视机坏了不怪我。我就是打开了它,如此而已。”表示是某人的过错用It is one’s fault。error和mistake意为“错误”但不指某人应该负责。duty“义务;职责”不符合语境。

3.You see the lightning ________it happens,but you hear the thunder later.

A.the instant B.for an instant

C.on the instant D.in an instant

解析:选A。you see the lightning和it happens是两个完整的句子,因此需要一个连词将它们连接,B、C、D选项都是副词短语。the instant可用作连词。

4.Many of the party’s traditional voters ________it at the last election.

A.reserved B.deserted

C.preserved D.depressed


5.All the neighbors admire this family,________the parents are treating their child like a friend.

A.why B.where

C.which D.that


6.________ warmly for his excellent work, he was too ________to fall asleep.

A.Praising;excited B.To praise;exciting

C.Praised;exciting D.Praised;excited


7.________around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A.Having shown B.To be shown

C.Having been shown D.To show

解析:选C。考查分词作状语。由于we和show之间是被动关系,排除A项和D项。B项作状语表示目的,不符合语境。这里 show与take之间有明显的时间先后顺序,故用having been done表示完成被动。

8.I thought her nice and honest ________I met her.

A.first time B.for the first time

C.the first time D.by the first time

解析:选C。考查the first time接状语从句的用法。句意:我第一次遇到她就认为她善良诚实。表示“第一次……时”一定要用定冠词the,排除A。for the first time是介词短语,在句子中作状语。by the first time搭配错误。www.5ykj.com

9.We are hoping that these measures taken by the local government will help ________ things a bit.

A.sweep up B.speed up

C.make up D.save up

解析:选B。句意:我们希望当地政府采取的这些措施能加速事情的进展。speed up“加速;使加速”,符合题意。sweep up“横扫”;make up“组成;构成;虚构”;save up“节省”。

10.For many affected families, cuts to school bus service will mean a big ________ in their morning and afternoon schedules.

A.settlement B.motivation

C.amusement D.adjustment



What will man be like in the future-in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now on?We can only make __1__,of course,but we can be sure that he will be __2__from what he is today.For man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious __3__.Man,even five hundred years ago,was shorter than he is today.Now,on average,men are about three inches __4__.Five hundred years is relatively short period of time,so we may assume that man will __5__to grow taller.

Again,in the modern world we use our brains a great deal.__6__,we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity.With time going on,__7__,we shall have to use our brains more and more,and eventually we shall need __8__ones!This is likely to bring about a physical change too:the __9__,in particular the forehead,will grow larger.

Nowadays our eyes are in __10__use.In fact,we use them so much that very often they become __11__and we have to wear glasses.__12__over very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand,we tend to make less use of our arms and legs.These,__13__,are likely to grow weaker.At the same time,however,our fingers will grow more __14__because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair?This will probably __15__from the body altogether in course of time because it doesn’t serve a useful purpose any longer.

Perhaps all this gives the __16__that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at!This may well be __17__.All the same,in spite of all these __18__,future man will still have a lot in common with us.__19__will still be a human being,with thoughts and emotions __20__to our own.

1.A.pictures B.guesses

C.explanations D.ideas

解析:选B。根据only以及后面的be sure可知此处表示的是“仅仅是做猜测”。

2.A.equal B.same

C.obvious D.different

解析:选D。be different from“不同于”。指五千年或五万年以后的人类将不同于今天的人类。

3.A.example B.fantasy

C.model D.shape

解析:选A。下文举了一个例子。take an example是固定短语。

4.A.fatter B.thinner

C.taller D.shorter


5.A.fail B.continue

C.manage D.stop


6.A.Even so B.If so

C.After all D.In time

解析:选A。即使(even so)大量用大脑,也只用了它的20%。if so“如果是这样”;after all“毕竟;终究”;in time“及时;最终”。

7.A.besides B.otherwise

C.therefore D.however


8.A.larger B.smaller

C.sillier D.cleverer


9.A.eye B.nose

C.head D.hand


10.A.perfect B.constant

C.normal D.unique


11.A.stronger B.bigger

C.smaller D.weaker

解析:选D。根据have to wear glasses可知是视力越来越差。

12.A.But B.So

C.Then D.Though


13.A.in other words B.all in all

C.as a result D.in addition

解析:选C。我们很少用胳膊和腿,因此就越来越弱了。less use与weaker构成因果关系,故用as a result“因此”。in other words“换句话说”;all in all“总之;总而言之”;in addition“此外;再者”。

14.A.effective B.optimistic

C.painful D.sensitive

解析:选D。根据下文的a great deal可知我们的手指将会变得越来越灵敏(sensitive)。effective“有效的”;optimistic“乐观的”;painful“疼痛的”。

15.A.disappear B.move

C.remove D.rise


16.A.expression B.impression

C.influence D.connection


17.A.false B.perfect

C.exact D.true


18.A.changes B.motivations

C.approaches D.adjustments


19.A.He B.They

C.We D.It

解析:选A。此句中用he代替future man(未来的人类)。由不定冠词a可知不能选B。

20.A.cautious B.rough

C.previous D.similar

解析:选D。be similar to“与……相似”,指未来的人和我们在感情和思想上还是相似的。


Ever dreamed of having a robot servant who would do all the boring housework around the house?Well mechanized domestic staff have come one step closer,thanks to an android(机器人)being developed in Japan.

Researchers at Tokyo University’s JSK Robotics Laboratory have created a humanoid called Kojiro,who is learning how to copy how we walk.

What makes him unique is that he has a skeletal(骨骼的)structure similar to that of humans,which means he moves in a more natural fashion,and bends and twists by his artificial spine(脊柱).

The team,led by Professor Nakanishi,said this newly developed spine would allow them to manufacture lighter and more flexible robots in the future to serve in the home.

In one scientific paper,they wrote:“Now normal humanoid robots are not suitable for working in our daily environment.”Lack of safety and versatility(多用途)is the main reason;their hard and heavy bodies can hurt humans or surrounding objects,and they can do limited tasks compared with what humans do in daily life. X kb1.c om

Traditional robots have limbs and torsos(躯干)powered by heavy motors at the joints.However in Kojiro,the motors are lightweight and used to pull cables attached to different locations on the body.This copies how our own muscles and tendons(腱)contract and relax when we move.

The skillful system of around 100 such tendonmuscle structures work together to give Kojiro 60 degrees of freedom.The humanoid is also made mostly from light and flexible materials,which would make him less of a danger around the home.

The researchers found the most difficult challenge was finding a way to make such a skillful robot walk.“The system has strong nonlinearity(非连续性)and is hard to model precisely.To control such a system,a kind of learning method is needed,”the team wrote.

At present the scientists are testing Kojiro’s smaller movements using a games console controller.The team plan to slightly improve the computer algorithms(算法)that control the robot’s movements as they go and hope it will one day be able to handle complex movements using all of its limbs.Then perhaps one day,you will find Kojiro serving you breakfast in bed.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.The differences between the tradition robots and the humanoid.

B.Introduction to a new type of humanoid.

C.How to improve the traditional robot.

D.The humanoid will be on market soon.


2.What makes the humanoid unique?

A.Its long limbs.

B.Its strong ability of copying.

C.Its materials.

D.Its skeletal structure.


3.What is the biggest challenge to the humanoid at present?

A.How to make it walk.

B.How to make it speak.

C.How to make it do housework.

D.How to make it sing.


4.Which of the following is NOT the reason why the humanoid can’t be suitable for working in human’s daily environment?

A.Lack of safety. B.Fewer uses.

C.Its overweight. D.Damaging objects.


5.What can we learn from the text?

A.Scientists in Japan have solved the humanoid’s movement.

B.The humanoid is used to take care of the old.

C.The humanoid can use all of its limbs to handle complex movements.

D.It’ll be a long time before the humanoid is on market.


