



There are many mice in the house. The man of the house has a cat. The cat kills(杀死)many of them .

Then the oldest mouse says, "All mice come to my room tonight. Let us put our heads together and think what to do. We can do about(除掉)the cat.

All the mice come. Many mice speak , but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, "We must put a bell(铃)on the cat.

When the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away and hide. (躲藏) So the cat will not catch any of us. “But,” the old mouse asks, " who will put the bell on the cat?" No mouse answers .

The old mouse waits, but no one answers. At last the old mouse says, "It is easy to say things; but it is hard to do them."


The Hare Who Would Not Be King 不愿做国王的兔子

Nothing stirred on the African plains. The sun glared down and Hare crept inside the cool hollow of a baobab tree for his afternoon nap.

Suddenly he was wide awake. There was a boom, boom, booming in his ears. And it was getting closer. Hare peeped out from the tree nervously. Across the clearing the bushes snapped and parted, and out loomed a huge gray shape.

“Oh it‘s you!“ said Hare irritably. “How can a fellow sleep with all your racket?“

The rhinoceros squinted down at him short-sightedly.

“Greetings!“ he bellowed in his slow way. “Tembo the elephant has sent me to fetch you to the waterhole. He‘s going to tell us who our new king will be. All the animals have voted.“

“Oh fiddlesticks!“ cried Hare rudely. “What do I want with a new king? He‘ll bully us from morning till night and make our lives miserable.“

“Don‘t you want to see who‘s been chosen? asked Rhino.

“I know already,“ snapped Hare. “It will be that sly old lion, Kali. He has bribed all the other animals and promised not to eat their children if only they will vote for him.“

Rhino didn‘t seem to believe Hare, and in the end Hare said,

“Oh very well, I‘ll come. But you‘ll see I‘m right.“

The sun was setting as Hare and Rhino reached the water-hole. All the animals had gathered there - giraffes, hippos, antelope, buffalo, warthogs, zebras, aardvarks, hyenas, mongooses, storks and weaver birds. When Tembo the elephant saw that everyone was there, he threw up his trunk and trumpeted. “Animals of the plains, I am proud to tell you that Kali the lion will be our new king. It is a wise choice, my friends.“

The animals cheered. But Hare only sighed. “They‘ll soon see what a horrible mistake they‘ve made.“


“My second decree is that every day you must bring me an animal for my supper. A king can‘t do his own hunting.“

The animals nodded gloomily.

“And my third decree is, if you don‘t do as I say, I‘ll eat the lot of you!“

The animals now turned to one another in horror. They had thought a king would be wise and protect them. But Kali only wanted to bully and eat them. As darkness fell, the unhappy animals slunk away into the bush.

But at dawn they were back at the waterhole, hurrying to build Kali‘s palace. There was much to do and little time.

All through the heat of the day the animals lugged and labored. Elephants lifted tree trunks for the pillars, crocodiles brought mud for the walls, giraffes collected grasses that weaver birds wove for the roof. None dared stop for a moment. Only hare did nothing. He hid inside a tussock of oat grass and watched as the fine thatched house rose up beside the water-hole.

The sun was just beginning to set as the weaver birds tied off the last knots in the soaring thatched roof. No sooner had they finished than Kali appeared. He prowled up and down his new kingdom swishing his tail while his subjects watched uneasily.

“This is what I call a palace,“ he roared at last.

The animals gave a sigh of relief. But all too soon, for in the next breath the lion snarled, “But where‘s my supper? My belly‘s rumbling. Bring me a juicy warthog.“

As soon as he heard this, Hare sneaked off home to his hollow in the baobab tree. “Didn‘t I tell them?“ he said to himself. “Didn‘t I say that making Kali king would mean big trouble? And would anyone listen?“

And so it was that every day afterwards one of the animals was chosen to be Kali‘s supper. One day it was an impala. Another it was a zebra. Next it was a gazelle.

One day though it


After a heavy lunch, a little monkey took a nap between the branches on the top of a tall tree.

Suddenly, he was awakened by a kind of desperate cry for help. Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw-like forelimbs.

The insect was crying for help, as a black bird at a not too far distance was preparing to attack him. Without hesitation, the monkey jumped over and frightened away the bird.

"Thank you very much for saving my life, Mr. Monkey," the mantis said, "When I discovered I was followed by a bird, I realized that if I moved, the bird would attack me immediately. If I stayed there without moving, the bird would attack me immediately. If you had not come in time, I would have already been murdered. I deeply appreciate your big favor and don't know how to pay you back."

"It is my pleasure," the monkey replied pleasantly, then jumped to another tree to look for fun. "Saving a small creature's life is wonderful. I'll keep doing things like that as much as possible," The monkey said to himself elatedly as he was leaping through the abundant leaves and branches. When the monkey rested at a coarse branch, he suddenly heard another cry, and it was more than one cry.

Following the direction of crying, the monkey quickly found four small birds crying in a nest. They cried because they were desperately hungry. "I think I'll die if Mom does not bring food home soon," one baby bird cried to the other ones and the other three ones responded with the same crying.

At this moment, the mother bird flew back. Amid cheers, the large black bird comforted her babies, "Sorry, my dear children, I did not bring you any food this trip. A little while ago, I was almost sure to catch a stout mantis." If a naughty monkey had not interfered, that mantis would have made a good meal for my kids. Anyway, I'll keep looking for food for you."

The mother bird hastily kissed each of her children and flew away on her mission again, leaving those hungry little ones powerlessly crying.

Having quietly overheard the birds' conversation, the monkey was upset. He was totally confused. He stopped a mother to bring food to feed her hungry children. Was he wrong or right? Since he could not get the right answer, he jumped down on the ground. He went to consult with the most knowledgeable elephant.

"You didn't don't do anything wrong." The authoritative elephant replied the money. "In the world, nobody can take care of everyone."

The elephant is right. Any good thing still has an opposite side effect. A Chinese philosopher said, "As long as we have done what we should, we can not expect approval from everyone."

