


Beware first-class travellers! Passengers sitting in the rear of a plane have the best chance ofsurvival in the event of a crash, an extraordinary and costly aviation experiment everconducted has revealed.

In a unique aviation experiment recently, the 170-seat Boeing 727 was made to crash in acontrolled manner in a remote part of Mexico's Sonoran Desert.

After pilot James Slocum parachuted out of the plane at 2,500ft, the jet was guided into theground by a pilot in a following Cessna via a remote-control device, the reporters reported.

On board the jet were three sophisticated crash-test dummies designed to move like humans.

They were arranged in three positions: one in the classic brace and wearing a seat-belt; onebelted but not in the brace position; and one neither belted nor in the brace.

After the jet hit the ground nose-first, experts found that the dummy in the brace positionwould have survived the impact, the one not in the brace would have suffered serious headinjuries, and the dummy not wearing a seat-belt would have perished.

Using this, experts predicted that 78 percent of passengers on board would have survived theimpact, but that coming down nose-first, all the first-class travellers would have died becausethe front of the fuselage sheared off.

Those sitting at the back would have had the best chance of survival.

The 1 million pound project, to be screened on Channel 4 next month, aimed to recreate aserious but survivable incident and allow scientists to study the crashworthiness of theaircraft's frame and cabin, as well as the impact on the human body.

It is also hoped that the findings may help increase the chances of passengers surviving such acrash in the future.

The Boeing was packed with dozens of cameras to record the impact from the inside. Footagewas also collected on the ground, in chase planes, and even from the ejecting pilot's helmet.












