


College is a time of exploration, both inside and outside of the classroom. However, moststudents only have four years of higher education — and it goes by quicker than you think.

Here is our list of the 10 things every student must do before graduation. Some are easier toseek out than others, but we promise that each of these is an experience worth having.

This bucket list will take students all around their schools, into the depths of the library, andeven outside the boundaries of campus. So, here is the list what you have to do during yourtime in college.

1.Write an article for a campus publication.

2.Crash a party where you don't know anyone and make a friend.

3.Take a trip off campus and explore your surrounding area.

4.Take pride in where you go by showing off your school to a prospective student.

5.Go to a game against your school's biggest rival and be the loudest voice in the stands.

6.Sit in on a lecture just because you're interested in the subject matter.

7.Take advantage of the sunshine and spend your day drinking. Repeatat night.

8.Attend an event from a friend's culture and learn something about his or her background.

9.See something that's making you angry? Protest it.

10.Sing along to your alma mater whether you know the words or not.




1. 为校报写一篇文章。

2. 参加一个全是陌生人的派对,交个朋友吧。

3. 去校外旅行,开发周边的好地方。

4. 向未来新生展示校园,表现一下身为母校一份子的自豪感。

5. 去看一场本校和最大竞争对手的比赛,大声地为自己的学校加油。

6. 去上一堂你感兴趣的课,只是因为你对那堂课的主题感兴趣。

7. 享受美好的阳光,来几杯啤酒。晚上也是一样。

8. 参加一位和你文化背景不同的朋友组织的活动,试着了解他或她的背景。

9. 有什么让你气愤的事情?抗议吧!


