



The long-term effects of stilettos


As powerful as women may feel wearing a pair of stylish stilettos, new research has found that heels can have detrimental consequences, potentially causing imbalance in the feet.


A new study focused on females who wear high heels regularly for work and found that while the muscles around the ankle are initially strengthened by the footwear, eventually they were at more risk of sprain due to becoming too dominant.


Dr Yong-Seok Jee, from Hanseo University in South Korea, documented findings from 40 professional women who wear extremely high heels around three times a week. The ankle muscles became dominant after wearing the shoes for one to three years.

在韩国韩瑞大学的Yong-Seok Jee博士, 从40名穿高跟鞋每周3次左右的职业女性记录调查结果。穿鞋后一至三年踝关节肌肉成为主导地位。

"As high heels are in fashion and sometimes required for certain professions, many women may be unaware of the extent to which [the shoes] may be weakening their dynamic balance," Dr Jee said.


"Eventually, major accidents such as falls and serious ankle sprains can result without proper maintenance and conditioning."

“最终, 没有适当的维护和调节会发生重大事故和严重的脚踝扭伤。”

Wearing high heels regularly can also lead to unhealthy walking patterns and back pain, all of which could persist long-term.


Dr Jee believes the time has come for ladies to take "preventative measures" before these problems occur. Firstly, high heels should be worn less and when women do opt to put them on, they should choose a pair with plenty of support in the form of strong straps or a chunky heel.


He also recommends women partake in ankle-strengthening exercises, such as walking on the heel of the foot, with the ball raised.


There's also toe tapping; sitting with bare feet on the ground and lifting the front of your foot while the heel remains in place.


"It is clinically important for wearers of heels to regularly perform [these] exercises," Dr Jee added.


So take note when browsing your shoe collection - do you really need to wear those six-inch heels? Save your best stilettos for when the occasion calls.


The findings were published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice.



The key to beauty


1. End all toxic relationships. Seriously. Anyone who makes you feel anything less than amazing doesn’t deserve to be a part of your life.


2. Stop the comparisons. There is no one on this planet like you, so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else. The only person you should compare yourself to is you.


3.Move that gorgeous body of yours every single day and learn to love the skin you’re in. You can’t hate your way into loving yourself.


4.Don’t believe everything you think. There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe. The downside is this also stops us from living a full life.


5.Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you. Let them remind you just how amazing you are.


6. Fill your body with food and drink that nourishes it and makes it thrive.


7. Start each day by telling yourself something really positive. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.



Things Highly Confident Women Do Differently


1. They embrace their purpose


These women know their strengths well and make sure they put themselves in both personal and professional situations where they can utilize these skills. They focus on what they excel in, more than dwelling on their weaknesses.


2. They practice a self-confidence ritual


Giving themselves a pep-talk whenever they need a little extra confidence, either before a big work presentation or even working through a fight with a loved one, is what make these women stand out.


3. They enjoy spending time alone


Reveling in a few moments to themselves during the day to relax and feel free of others’ obligations is a must. Women who are confident are also empowered by going out alone, whether it is to see a movie or enjoy a leisurely dinner at a local restaurant.


4. They refuse to buy into the media’s image of a perfect woman


These women do not let the media dictate their physical appearances or behaviors, because they know that it is all false advertising. These women are confident in their lifestyle choices, whether they decide to get married and have a family or not.


5. They refuse to take anything too personally


Letting the hard days and moments in their lives roll off their shoulders is what defines these women, because they know how to keep everything in perspective. Women who have confidence always see the bright light at the end of the tunnel and refuse to wallow in their own pity, because they know it will only harm them in the end.


6. They ask empowering questions


Asking questions that make them a better individual and have a direct correlation to their own self-fulfillment is another thing that these women have in common. They realize that asking themselves the “why me” question is detrimental to their own well-being and contentment in life.


