



1. A3 – Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成

2. AAP – Always a pleasure 很高兴

3. AAR – At any rate 任何价格

4. AB/ ABT – About 关于

5. ABT2 – Meaning „about to‟ 将……

6. ACC – Anyone can come 谁都能来

7. ACK – Acknowledgement 感谢

8. ADBB – All done, bye-bye 完了,再见

9. ADD/ ADR – Address 地址

10. ADMIN – Administrator 管理员

11. ADVD – Advertised 被广告的

12. AEAP – As early as possible 越早越好

13. AFAIC – As far as I concerned 我觉得……

14. AFAIK – As far as I know 我只知道……

15. AFAIUI – As far as I understand it 我明白……

16. AFAP – As far as possible 越远越好

17. AH – At home 在家

18. AISB – As it should be 它应该专业……

19. AISB – As I said before 像我之前说的

20. AISI – As I see it 我看……


1. AKA – Also known as 还叫……

2. ALOL – Actually laughing out loud 正在大声笑

3. AMAP – As much as possible 越多越好

4. AMBW – All my best wishes 最好的祝愿

5. AML – All my love 我所有的爱

6. AMOF – As a matter of fact 事实是……

7. APP – Application 应用程序

8. AQAP – As quick as possible 越快越好

9. ATB – All the Best 最好的

10. ATM – At the moment 现在

11. ATEOTD – At the end of the day 最后

12. ASAP – As soon as possible 越快越好

13. AWESO – Awesome 真棒

14. AYDY – Are you done yet? 你完事了没?

15. AYEC – At your earliest convenience 你最方便的时候

16. AYOR – At your own risk 由自己负责

17. AYSOS – Are you stupid or something? 你傻啊还是什么别的? AYS – Are you serious? 你说正经的呢?

18. AYT – Are you there? 你在吗?

19. AYTMTB – And you‟re telling me this because 你跟我说这个是因为…… AYW – As you wish 如你所愿

20. AZN – Asian 亚洲人(别忘了是主要指印度人哦!)


1. Others & Numbers

2. @TEOTD – At the end of the day 最后

3. 121 – One-to-one 一对一

4. 10X – Thanks 谢谢

5. 10Q – Thank you 谢谢你

6. 1CE – Once 从前

7. 1DR – I wonder 我想

8. 1NAM – One in a million 100个里头的一个

9. 2– Meaning „to‟ in SMS 英文的“to”

10. 2EZ – Too easy 太简单了

11. 2moro – Tomorrow 明天

12. 2nite – Tonight 今晚

13. 4 – Short for „for‟ in SMS 英文的“for”

14. 411 – Information 信息

15. 4COL – For crying out loud 搞什么名堂;哎呀

16. 4EAE – Forever and ever 永永远远

17. 4EVER – Forever 永远

18. 4Q – F***k you 脏话,飘过,只供旁观……

19. ^5 – High-five 击掌

20. 6Y – **y XG

21. 7K – Sick 生病

