

摘要:三星发布了一款可切换、运行Windows 8和安卓两款操作系统的平板电脑。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

Samsung has unveiled a tablet that can switch between the Windows 8 and Android operating systems.

The ATIV Q has a 13.3 inch screen that sits over a keyboard that can be folded out for typing or set to act as a stand. In addition it has a stylus.

It comes just over a fortnight after Asus unveiled its own laptop-tablet hybrid which also runs both Microsoft and Google's systems.

One analyst said he expected this to be a trend that other firms would follow.

近日,三星发布了一款可切换、运行Windows 8和安卓两款操作系统的平板电脑。

这款平板电脑型号为ATIV Q,它拥有一块13.3英寸的屏幕,其下接配的键盘既可在需要时翻出打字,也可以折起用来当作支撑架。此外,这款电脑还配备了一支触笔。




文中的###tablet就是“平板电脑”的意思。文中出现的相关词汇有operating system 操作系统(缩写作OS);screen 屏幕;keyboard 键盘;type 打字(用作动词);stand 支架(用作名词);stylus 触笔(手写笔);laptop 笔记本电脑。

联想一下,平板电脑上常见的组件还有如camera 摄像头;front-facing camera 前摄像头;processor 处理器;battery 电池;bluetooth 蓝牙;integrated microphone 内置麦克风;headphone 耳机;integrated speaker 内置扬声器等。

