



Man Who Said No

A friend of mine noticed a man staggering about in the Times Square subway station. A well-dressed Wall Street type, his coat was unbuttoned, a briefcase dangled from his hand and he'd obviously had one too many.

Asked if he was all right, the man gave a slurred but affirmative response. However, my friend simply could not see someone brave the rough maw of a New York subway without trying to help. He followed the chap, and again asked, "Are you sure you're all right? What subway are you looking for? Do you need help getting home?"

At last, the object of his attentions snarled, in a low voice, "Leave me alone! I'm an undercover cop!"


(1) stagger v.蹒跚;摇摆(因衰弱、负重、酒醉等)

(2) the Times Square (美国)时代广场

(3) subway n.地铁

(4) briefcase n.手提箱

(5) dangle v. 悬吊着或摇摆不定

(6) slurred adj.含糊不清的

(7) affirmative adj.肯定的

(8) brave the rough maw闻入是非之地

(9) maw n.动物的胃或咽喉,比喻随时会吞噬他物之物

(10) chap n.家伙

(11) snarl v.咆哮

(12) undercover adj.秘密的;暗中从事的



① A friend of mine noticed a man staggering _____in the Times Square subway station.

② His coat was unbuttoned, a briefcase _____from his hand and he'd obviously had one too many.

③ _____if he was all right, the man gave a slurred but affirmative response.

④ My friend simply Could not see someone _____the rough maw of a New York subway without trying to help.

⑤ At last, the _____of his attentions snarled, in a low voice, "Leave me alone! I'm an undercover cop!






① about ② dangling ③ Asked ④ brave ⑤ object


he Target

My cooking has always been the target of family jokes. One evening, as I prepared dinner a bit too quickly, the kitchen filled with smoke and the smoke detector went off. Although both of my children had received fire-safety training at school, they did not respond to the alarm. Annoyed, I stormed through the house in search of them.

I found them in the bathroom, washing their hands. Over the loud buzzing of the smoke alarm, I asked them to identify the sound.

"It's the smoke detector," they replied in unison.

"Do you know what that sound means?" I demanded.

"Sure," my oldest replied. "Dinner's ready."


(1) target n.靶子;目标

(2) detector n.探查器

(3) go off发射;响

(4) storm through冲入;闯入

(5) in search of搜寻;寻找

(6) buzzing n.嗡嗡声

(7) unison n.一致



① The mother's cooking was once the target of family jokes.

② One evening the mother prepared dinner a bit too slowly.

③ When the kitchen filled with smoke, the smoke detector went off.

④ Neither of the two children had received fire-safety training at school, so they did not respond to the alarm.

⑤ The children knew what the alarm meant, so they did not respond to it.










Day after Day

A teacher was always so involved in the text being studied that he never looked up . He would call on a student for translation and explanation, and-without realizing it-he often chose the same student day after day. Out of respect, the student wouldn't point this out to him.

After being called on four days in a row, a student named Goldberg asked advice from his friends. The next day when the teacher said "Goldberg, translate and explain," Goldberg replied, "Goldberg is absent today ."

"All right," said the teacher. "YOU translate and explain.


(1) be involved in 卷入;投入 (2) out of respect出于尊敬



① A teacher was always so _____in the text being studied that he never looked up.

② He would call _____ a student for translation and explanation.

③ _____ _____respect, the student wouldn't point this out to him.

④ After being called on four days in a _____, a student named Goldberg asked advice from his friends.

⑤ The next day _____ the teacher said "Goldberg, translate and explain," Goldberg replied, "Goldberg is absent today."






① involved ② on ③ out of ④ row ⑤ when

