



1. 尊贵人生 大师随行。 (奥迪A)

2. Accuracy makes brand . (Suzuki)

3. 精准缔造品牌。 (铃木)

4. At the heart of the image (Nikon)

5. 影像 . 从心。 (尼康)

6. Romance in heart (Borel)

7. 浪漫在心 。(瑞士依波路表)

8. Everose Gold, Rolex Made. (Rolex)

9. 永恒玫瑰金,劳力士锤炼。(劳力士)

10. Great historic Capital by bright generation by generation.(Beijing)

11. 千古京都,代代锦绣!(北京)

12. Take Toshiba ,take the world.(Toshiba)

13. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝)

14. No business too small, no problem too big.(IBM)

15. 没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM)

16. Play part in History

17. 参与历史。(洛杉矶)

18. Harmony and Progress

19. 和谐、进步 。(汉城)

20. Friends for life

21. 永远的朋友 。(巴塞罗那)


1. The celebration of the century

2. 世纪庆典。(亚特兰大)

3. From around the world to flower as one

4. 让世界凝聚成一朵花。 (长野)

5. Share the spirit

6. 分享奥林匹克精神。(悉尼)

7. Light the fire within

8. 点燃心中之火。(盐湖城)

9. Welcome Home

10. 欢迎回家 (雅典)

11. An Ever Burning Flame

12. 永不熄灭的火焰。 (年都灵)

13. One World One Dream

14. 同一个世界、同一个梦想。(北京)

15. From zero to hero.(the mask)

16. 从到英雄。 (变相怪杰)

17. Double incomes no kids.(Dink)

18. 无孩夫妻。(丁克)

19. The Power of Dreams (HONDA)

20. 梦的力量 (本田)


1. To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of life.(Happiness)

2. 爱与被爱是人生至福。(福)

3. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore IS winged Cupid painted blind. (Cupid)

4. 爱情不用眼睛而用心灵去看,所以长着翅膀的爱神丘比特被画成瞎子。(丘比特)

5. To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honour and reputation. (Socrates)

6. 追名逐利,贪图金钱远不如探求真知,修身洁行。(苏格拉底)

7. NBA以前的宣传语:i love this game;

8. 现在是——where amazing happens.

9. Crazy Skiing,Freezing (LianHua Ski Area)

10. 疯滑雪跃,感冻。(莲花山雪场)

11. The honeyest fruit of the world is Juicy Peach.(Yangshan Peach)

12. 天下最甜水蜜桃。(阳山水蜜桃)

13. Shenzhou in the Space, Time flows backwards. (Astronaut of China)

14. 太空神舟, 时光倒流。(中国宇航员)

15. The Sweetest City of China ———(Wuxi China)

16. 中国最甜蜜的城市———(无锡)

17. Obey your thirst.(sprite)







