




han yu

rough were the mountain-stones, and the path very narrow;

and when i reached the temple, bats were in the dusk.

i climbed to the hall, sat on the steps, and drank the rain- washed air

among the round gardenia-pods and huge bananaleaves.

on the old wall, said the priest, were buddhas finely painted,

and he brought a light and showed me, and i called them wonderful

he spread the bed, dusted the mats, and made my supper ready,

and, though the food was coarse, it satisfied my hunger.

at midnight, while i lay there not hearing even an insect,

the mountain moon with her pure light entered my door....

at dawn i left the mountain and, alone, lost my way:

in and out, up and down, while a heavy mist

made brook and mountain green and purple, brightening everything.

i am passing sometimes pines and oaks, which ten men could not girdle,

i am treading pebbles barefoot in swift-running water --

its ripples purify my ear, while a soft wind blows my garments....

these are the things which, in themselves, make life happy.

why should we be hemmed about and hampered with people?

o chosen pupils, far behind me in my own country,

what if i spent my old age here and never went back home?



山石荦确行径微, 黄昏到寺蝙蝠飞。

升堂坐阶新雨足, 芭蕉叶大栀子肥。

僧言古壁佛画好, 以火来照所见稀。

铺床拂席置羹饭, 疏粝亦足饱我饥。

夜深静卧百虫绝, 清月出岭光入扉。

天明独去无道路, 出入高下穷烟霏。

山红涧碧纷烂漫, 时见松枥皆十围。

当流赤足蹋涧石, 水声激激风吹衣。

人生如此自可乐, 岂必局束为人鞿?

嗟哉吾党二三子, 安得至老不更归?


stopping at a temple on heng mountain i inscribe this poem in the gate-tower

han yu

the five holy mountains have the rank of the three dukes.

the other four make a ring, with the song mountain midmost.

to this one, in the fire-ruled south, where evil signs are rife,

heaven gave divine power, ordaining it a peer.

all the clouds and hazes are hidden in its girdle;

and its forehead is beholden only by a few.

...i came here in autumn, during the rainy season,

when the sky was overcast and the clear wind gone.

i quieted my mind and prayed, hoping for an answer;

for assuredly righteous thinking reaches to high heaven.

and soon all the mountain-peaks were showing me their faces;

i looked up at a pinnacle that held the clean blue sky:

the wide purple-canopy joined the celestial column;

the stone granary leapt, while the fire god stood still.

moved by this token, i dismounted to offer thanks.

a long path of pine and cypress led to the temple.

its white walls and purple pillars shone, and the vivid colour

of gods and devils filled the place with patterns of red and blue.

i climbed the steps and, bending down to sacrifice, besought

that my pure heart might be welcome, in spite of my humble offering.

the old priest professed to know the judgment of the god:

he was polite and reverent, making many bows.

he handed me divinity-cups, he showed me how to use them

and told me that my fortune was the very best of all.

though exiled to a barbarous land, mine is a happy life.

plain food and plain clothes are all i ever wanted.

to be prince, duke, premier, general, was never my desire;

and if the god would bless me, what better could he grant than this ? --

at night i lie down to sleep in the top of a high tower;

while moon and stars glimmer through the darkness of the clouds....

apes call, a bell sounds. and ready for dawn

i see arise, far in the east the cold bright sun.



五岳祭秩皆三公, 四方环镇嵩当中。

火维地荒足妖怪, 天假神柄专其雄。

喷云泄雾藏半腹, 虽有绝顶谁能穷?

我来正逢秋雨节, 阴气晦昧无清风。

潜心默祷若有应, 岂非正直能感通?

须臾静扫众峰出, 仰见突兀撑青空。

紫盖连延接天柱, 石廪腾掷堆祝融。

森然魄动下马拜, 松柏一迳趋灵宫。

纷墙丹柱动光彩, 鬼物图画填青红。

升阶伛偻荐脯酒, 欲以菲薄明其衷。

庙内老人识神意, 睢盱侦伺能鞠躬。

手持杯珓导我掷, 云此最吉余难同。

窜逐蛮荒幸不死, 衣食才足甘长终。

侯王将相望久绝, 神纵欲福难为功。

夜投佛寺上高阁, 星月掩映云曈昽。

猿鸣钟动不知曙, 杲杲寒日生于东。


bringing in the wine

li bai

see how the yellow river's waters move out of heaven.

entering the ocean, never to return.

see how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers,

though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow.

...oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleases

and never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon!

since heaven gave the talent, let it be employed!

spin a thousand pieces of silver, all of them come back!

cook a sheep, kill a cow, whet the appetite,

and make me, of three hundred bowls, one long drink!

...to the old master, cen,

and the young scholar, danqiu,

bring in the wine!

let your cups never rest!

let me sing you a song!

let your ears attend!

what are bell and drum, rare dishes and treasure?

let me be forever drunk and never come to reason!

sober men of olden days and sages are forgotten,

and only the great drinkers are famous for all time.

...prince chen paid at a banquet in the palace of perfection

ten thousand coins for a cask of wine, with many a laugh and quip.

why say, my host, that your money is gone?

go and buy wine and we'll drink it together!

my flower-dappled horse,

my furs worth a thousand,

hand them to the boy to exchange for good wine,

and we'll drown away the woes of ten thousand generations!



君不见, 黄河之水天上来, 奔流到海不复回。

君不见, 高堂明镜悲白发, 朝如青丝暮成雪。

人生得意须尽欢, 莫使金樽空对月,

天生我材必有用, 千金散尽还复来。

烹羊宰牛且为乐, 会须一饮三百杯。

岑夫子! 丹丘生!

将进酒; 君莫停。

与君歌一曲, 请君为我侧耳听。

钟鼓馔玉不足贵, 但愿长醉不愿醒。

古来圣贤皆寂寞, 惟有饮者留其名。

陈王昔时宴平乐, 斗酒十千恣欢谑。

主人何为言少钱, 径须沽取对君酌。

五花马, 千金裘。

呼儿将出换美酒, 与尔同消万古愁。

