



Together with...


o选项用于链接程序,它将thrcob 指定为可执行模块,并通过将thrcob.o、subd.o和 sube.o链接在一起生成该模块。

The -o option applies to linking programs. It names thrcob as the executable module andgenerates it by linking thrcob.o


George and Martha Washington had no children together, but George raised her two sons,Daniel and John, from her previous marriage.

多数夜晚和许多白天时间里,我都和贝琪.里德待在一起。 里德比我高一届,现在温泉城工作。

I spent most evenings and a lot of days with Betsey Reader, who had been a year ahead of mein school and was working in Hot Springs.


The filesystem’s tree structure, tied together with .. and . entries, is built automatically each timeyou create a new directory.

将.class和 .java文件混在一起常常会使清理编译后的文件十分困难,因为很可能会意外删除本应保留的.java文件。

Mixing .class and .java files makes it very hard to clean up the compiled files without accidentallydeleting .java files you want to keep.


Say, Barby, let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being around you. If you feel thesame way about me, maybe we ought to get serious and think about getting engaged to each other.


We'll also set off firecrackers and have barbecues with friends and family.


In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us.


You need to be together on those days when your car won't start ...

换句话说,XSLT 1.0和 2.0的元素混在了一起,但是2.0 的集合更大一些。

In other words, the elements of XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 are commingled, but the 2.0 set is larger.


I like people who are open and friendly. Those people are usually more active and fun to bewith.


"Thank you, " the old man said. The waiter took the bottle back inside the cafe. He sat down at the table with his colleague again.


In Germany there is the winter break and you concentrate on the family and stay together andhave a holiday for two weeks, so it is a bit different.


One day, the magic mirror said to the queen: "Snow White still lives; she is together with the dwarves. " The queen locked up the hunter, and then disguised herself as a comb peddler.

信封上的地址的书写方式 :收信人的姓名和地址必须在信封的中央,称呼总是和姓名连在一起的.

Addressing the envelope: The name and address must appear in the middle of the envelope.Titles are always used with names.


Now this video shows this fellow [Balawi] with Hakimullah Mehsud.


In late February, I flew to California for a few days to be with Frank Aller, Strobe Talbott, andStrobes girlfriend, Brooke Shearer.

现在,就可以导入示例Java程序TConnect.java和TListEntities.java(与ContentManager 捆绑在一起),来测试该portlet 的ContentManager身份验证了。

Now you can Import the sample Java programs TConnect.java and TListEntities.java (which came bundled with Content Manager), to test the Content Manager authentication for theportlet.


In most fields the appearance of ease seems to come with practice.


It's so beautiful here . . . with Marilla . . . and you.

上帝一直和我们在一起。 Rev.

God is always with us.


In the fourth week of February, Hillary and I paid a two-day state visit to Canada, where westayed at the American ambassador’s residence with Ambassador Jim and Janet Blanchard.

要运行Jester,在路径中必须同时拥有jester.jar和junit.jar(JUnit 没有和Jester 绑在一起。

To run Jester, you must have both jester.jar and junit.jar on your classpath.


Grace starts the genny and turns on the lights and equipment. There are bunkbeds, a crampedclutter of scientific gear


I can not offer what you want, will you still be with me?


These women would be happy just to be in the same room with us... and enjoy our company.


Combinations of vertical and horizontal clustering are also possible.


Combinations of vertical and horizontal clustering are also possible.


1. Chop the ingredients finely and mix them together.


2. She combined some sugar, flour and butter to make some cookies.

她把白糖 、 面粉和黄油和在一起做小甜饼.

3. Mix the sand and cement.


4. Art and history fuse in inextricable magic.


5. You mix flour, yeast and water to make bread.

你把面粉 、 发酵粉和水和在一起就能做面包.

6. Blend the sugar and flour.


7. The air was laden with spices - the mingled fragrance of many grasses and flowers.


8. She brought out the girl on purpose, and flung them together until it happened.

她有意把这位小姐带出来, 把两人撮和在一起.

9. Pizza makers mix flour, yeast, salt and water for the crust.

比萨制作者把面粉 、 发酵粉 、 盐和水和在一起做成饼皮.

10. Different foods are combined, which creates some very unique flavors.

不同的食物和在一起, 就创出某一种很独特的风味.

11. In Jing's painting, adoration for soldiers is often mixed with fantasy.

在 景氏 的绘画中, 对士兵的崇敬常常是与幻想混和在一起的.

12. The combination can raise the risk of liver damage or stomach bleeding.


13. She can't get the eggs and cream to blend.


14. Blend the flour and eggs together.


15. If you mix cheese and ketchup together, it will have a brand new taste.

如果你把起司和番茄酱和在一起, 会产生全新的味道.

