雅思大作文范文 人文类三篇




Success is achieved by those who try and keep trying with a positive mental attitude becausenothing on earth can help those with a negative mental attitude. In general, successfulpersons are opportunity-minded rather than difficulty-minded. That is to say, the pessimistsees difficulty in every opportunity; the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.

Any fact facing us is often not as important as our attitude toward it, for that can determineour success or failure. The pessimist would visualize penalties of failure whereas the optimistwould visualize the rewards of success. It might be true sometimes that people tried hard half-way and failed miserably, from which a lesson is learned that they should not have tried at all inthe first place. Thus, after one failure, they are disappointed and discouraged, refusing tobelieve that the road to success is under construction. Since pessimists are afraid to fail, theyare not likely to experience the joys of success. More often than not, this wrong mentalattitude, or rather the fear of striking out, may hold them back.

It is certainly not the optimist's attitude toward success--always being ready as anopportunity comes. People with the right mental attitude are never scared by going too far,and they are convinced that success lies just beyond. True enough, it is not that optimistsbecome winners without encountering real problems, but that they are willing to do do whatlosers are not willing to do. In other words, optimists choose to step forward, as if it wereimpossible to fail; but pessimists are always in the same place. Therefore, both attitudes tell asuccess and a failure apart. In all likelihood, success is like the child of optimism.

It pays to assume that opportunity may be in the middle of difficulty, or at least this is whatthe optimist is inclined to believe. Indeed, success of life depends upon keeping one's mindopen to opportunity and seizing it when it comes. After all, optimists are right in believing whatthey can do and succeed; so are pessimists who think they would fail anyway.


Many successful persons seem alike to have a very strong will called desire. It seems anuncommon common sense to make success happen. Probably no other human characteristicis more outstanding than the will to plan carefully and to work patiently.

As a saying goes: "Success favors the prepared mind." For this reason, preparing one's careerwith details is like seriously mapping life's routes toward achievements. Only by so doing with aconsistent mind can one prevent desire from becoming blind ambition seeking accidently tostrike it rich or downright to be particularly lucky in life. In other words, a successful person iscapable of setting goals and paving the way against all odds. Of course, important to successare also such human qualities as honesty, intelligence, a sense of humor, among othervirtues. However, these characteristics must be considered as only advantages which do notalone guarantee success in life.

Few would doubt that working with patience is an expression of desire. Nothing worthwhilecomes easily and good work takes pains. This means that a successful person is one who canmake the best of education and talents, if any. Unfortunately, an educated person would remainonly an educated person unless possessing passion to do more. Likewise, it would be a wasteof talents if gifts from heaven are abandoned in idleness. So it is work, continuous work thatcan accomplish results that last.

As a conclusion, it is easier said than done to be able to plan and to work in such a way thatthe way to success can be ensured. A motto may apply: "Where there is a will; there is a way."When people do not succeed, it might be either that the desire is not strong enough, or that itmight be the absence of desire in the first place.


Don't confuse a university degree with a successful life, even though higher education canopen doors to a range of economic options. It is one thing to make a good living, and yet it isquite another to make a good fortune. In various aspects of life, success is to be measurednot so much by the education that one has as by the effort that one makes, plus of course lotsof luck.

Undoubtedly, there are some types of success in professional life that are dependent on auniversity education. You need a college degree to have a career in a profession such as law,medicine, engineering, or teaching. In today's workplace, job opportunities and academicdegrees are linked in such a way that it seems difficult, if not impossible, for an individualwithout good qualifications to make any career success happen. According to national statisticsshown by economists, bachelor's degree holders earn upward of 40 percent more than high-school graduates. Based on this pattern, income levels rise as educational levels rise. Manystudies also reveal that university education introduces you not only choices of career but alsolife goals and the power to reach these goals. In short, being able to go through highereducation increases one's employability and earning potential as well as one's self-esteem.

Having a degree, however, does not mean that one will be successful in life. In some work fields,what is crucial are hard work and being lucky. To begin with, you do not have to have a highereducation to become successful people like business-persons, sports players, political leaders,movie and music stars. While hard work is motivated by the desire to triumph, success bydestiny is associated with that old ABC--ability, breaks and courage. Not all success stories aretold about university graduates, nor are academic degrees particularly essential when it comesto becoming wealthy. Ironic but true, successful entrepreneurs even benefit from not havingacademic qualifications, because going to college and taking examinations forces people tolearn and think like other millions of graduates. This actually makes it less likely that they willcome up with creative ideas and truly mould-breaking insights on which amazing successes arebuilt.

There is no arguing the importance of a university education as long as employability andincome are concerned, but success also comes from effort to do the right work at the righttime. If you think a successful life means having a lot of money, you are far from wrong.Nevertheless, it does not follow that the door to success is closed for people who do not haveacademic results.

