



song 歌 john donne 中英对照:

go and catch a falling star, 用曼德拉草变回孩提原形,

get with child a mandrake root, 就像追逐一颗陨落的流星,

tell me where all past years are, 何处能找回逝去的光阴。

or who cleft the devil's foot, 是谁拖长了恶魔的脚印,

teach me to hear mermaids singing, 教会我倾听人鱼的乐音,

or to keep off envy's stinging, 让我摆脱嫉妒的心,

and find 然后感受,

what wind 一阵微风,

serves to advance an honest mind. 拂起升华的灵。

if thou be'st born to strange sights, 如果你要看独特的风景

things invisible to see, 勇于尝新

ride ten thousand days and nights, 游历你一生的光阴

till age snow white hairs on thee, 直到白发结上双鬓。

thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me, 当你回来,讲给我听

all strange wonders that befell thee, 一切事情你曾历经

and swear, 然后相信

no where 这个世界

lives a woman true and fair. 没有真实美丽的女人心

if thou find'st one, let me know, 如果找到,讲给我听

such a pilgrimage were sweet; 如此甜蜜一定不虚此行

yet do not, i would not go, 但找不到,我也不愿远行

though at next door we might meet, 尽管下一次邂逅我们相信

though she were true, when you met her, 尽管她真实你也能看清

and last, till you write your letter, 直到,你写下这封信


the canonization 宣布成圣

for god's sake hold your tongue, and

let me love ;

or chide my palsy, or my gout ;

my five gray hairs, or ruin'd fortune flout ;

with wealth your state, your mind with

arts improve ;

take you a course, get you a place,

observe his honor, or his grace ;

or the king's real, or his stamp'd face

contemplate ; what you will, approve,

so you will let me love.

