

如何才能让你的简历被谷歌相中?原谷歌软件工程师,《程序员面试金典》(Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions)作者盖儿.拉克曼.麦道威尔的回答。这个问题的答案应该分成三个部分:积累合适的经验,编写一份出色的简历,通过适当的方式提交简历。

Getting the Right Experience


If you come from a good school/work for a well-respected company, that’ll help you a ton. But anyone can boost their resume with some projects.


Build some iPhone apps, web apps, whatever! Honestly it doesn’t matter that much what you’re building as long as you’re building something. Good languages include Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, C++, etc. I would encourage you to stay away from .NET. Not because .NET isn’t a perfectly good tool, but there’s a stigma.

开发iPhone应用、网页应用,无论什么都可以!实话实说,你在开发什么不重要,重要的是你正在做这样的项目。有效的编程语言包括Java、Python、Ruby on Rails、C++等。不过我建议你避免使用.NET,并非因为它不是一款完美的工具,而是因为这种语言存在被人诟病的地方。

Doing these projects is especially important if you’re, say, a programmer for CitiBank. You don’t have the right “pedigree.” But projects will help you a ton.


1. You can build a fairly meaty project in one weekend. This means that with about 3 to 4 weekends of work, you can make your resume go from so-so to fantastic. Seriously I’ve seen lots of people do this.


1. 你可以在一个周末构建一个内容丰富的项目。这意味着如果有3至4个周末的工作,你可以让自己的简历从平庸变成变成出色。这绝非虚言,我见过许多人这么做。

2. Participate in hackathons.

2. 参与编程马拉松。

3. Build a website / portfolio. Show your experience.

3. 创建一个网站或个人作品集。展示你的经验。

