


While away at a conference in Minneapolis, I wasawakened at dawn by a call from my husband in our New York apartment. Our 8-year-old sonhad just roused him with the suspicion that they might not make their 7:30 a.m. flight to joinme because it was now 7:40 and they were still at home.

The original plan had us all traveling to Minneapolis together. I would attend my conference,my musician husband would do a show at this cool club, and our son would get hotel pooltime: a triple win.



Then my husband was offered a great gig in New York for the same day we were set to leave,so he called to change his and our son’s tickets. Changing them, he learned, was going to costmore than buying a new pair of one-way tickets out. So he did that instead, planning to usetheir original return tickets, not realizing that if you don’t use the first leg, they cancel thesecond. That meant buying new return tickets at a cost somewhere between “Ugh” and “Whathave you done?”



Now, after all that, my family had missed the first leg of the new itinerary. On hold with theairline yet again, my husband was texting me sexy emojis.


“Focus,” I replied, with an emoji of an airplane.


He sent me an emoji of a flan.


He and I married young for our urban friend group — in our late 20s — and now, in our late30s, we find ourselves attending the weddings of peers. My husband of 11 years and I sit atthese weddings listening to our in-thrall friends describe all the ways in which they will excel atbeing married.


“I will always be your best friend,” they say, reading from wrinkled pieces of paper held inshaking hands. “I will never let you down.”


I clap along with everyone else; I love weddings. Still, there is so much I want to say.


I want to say that one day you and your husband will fight about missed flights, and you’ll findyourself wistful for the days when you had to pay for only your own mistakes. I want to saythat at various points in your marriage, may it last forever, you will look at this person and feelonly rage. You will gaze at this man you once adored and think, “It sure would be nice to havethis whole place to myself.”


In Zen Buddhism, meditation helps practitioners detach from the cycle of desire and suffering.In my brief stint as a religious studies major, I preferred Pure Land Buddhism, an alternatepath to enlightenment for people who (as one professor told us) may find it difficult toabandon worldly pain and passion because those things can also yield such beauty andcomfort. He summed it up as: “Life is suffering — and yet.”


I think about that all the time: “And yet.” Such hedging, to me, is good religion and also the keyto a successful marriage. In the course of being together forever, you come across so many“and yets,” only some of them involving domestic air travel.


I love this person, and yet she’s such a mess. And yet when I’m sick, he’s not very nurturing.And yet we don’t want the same number of children. And yet I sometimes wonder what it wouldbe like to be single again.


The longer you are with someone, the more big and little “and yets” rack up. You love thisperson. Of course you plan to be with him or her forever. And yet forever can begin to seemlike a long time. Breaking up and starting fresh, which everyone around you seems to be doing,can begin to look like a wonderful and altogether logical proposition.


But “and yet” works the other way, too. Even during the darkest moments of my own marriage,I have had these nagging exceptions. And yet, we still make each other laugh. And yet, he isstill my person. And yet, I still love him.


And so you don’t break up, and you outlast some more of your friends’ marriages.


“The way to stay married,” my mother says, “is not to get divorced.”


“My parents were too poor to get divorced,” a friend told me that very day in Minneapolis as wewalked through the book fair. “And so they stayed married and then it seemed too late, andnow they’re glad.”


Those are the things I think about when yet another person I used to think of as being part ofa happily married couple messages a friend of mine on Tinder.


Later that morning, while waiting to hear from my husband about the flights, I decided to killtime looking at houses on Trulia’s “Near Me.” When I used to travel alone as a teenager, I wouldstare at houses wherever I was and imagine what it would be like to live there. Now I still dothat, but I can also call up Trulia on my phone and see how much they cost.


Comparing houses in Minneapolis, I found I actually preferred the cheaper, more ramshackle,family-friendly ones, like a two-bedroom that had “classic old world charm.” Hardwood floors!A built-in buffet! So much better, really, than the pricier one-bedroom I would live in as a singleperson on the other side of Powderhorn Park, with its new ceiling fans, three cedar closets andbreakfast nook.

在明尼阿波利斯比较房子时,我发现自己实际上更喜欢比较便宜、破旧的适合一家人住的房子,比如一幢具有“经典复古韵味”的两居室房子。实木地板!嵌入式碗柜!比起我要是单身的话会在保德霍恩公园(Powderhorn Park)另一侧购买的更贵的一居室,这个真的要好得多。那个一居室新装了吊扇,有三个杉木衣橱和早餐座。

What would I even do with three cedar closets?


Meanwhile, still no word from my husband about the flights.


One thing I love about marriage (and I love a lot of things about marriage) is that you can havea bad day or even a bad few years, full of doubt and fights and confusion and storming out ofthe house. But as long as you don’t get divorced, you are no less married than couples whonever have a hint of trouble (I am told such people exist).


You can be bad at a religion and still be 100 percent that religion. Just because you take theLord’s name in vain doesn’t make you suddenly a non-Christian. You can be a sinner. In fact, Ithink it’s good theology that no matter how hard you try, you are sure to be a sinner, just asyou are sure to be lousy, at least sometimes, at being married. There is perfection only indeath.


It is easy for people who have never tried to do anything as strange and difficult as beingmarried to say marriage doesn’t matter, or to condemn those who fail at it, or to mock thosewho even try. But there is so much beauty in the trying, and in the failing, and in the tryingagain. Peter renounced Jesus three times before the cock crowed. And yet, he was the rockupon whom Christ built his church.


At weddings, I do not contradict my beaming newlywed friends when they talk about how theywill gracefully succeed where nearly everyone in human history has floundered. I only wish Icould tell them they will suffer occasionally in this marriage — and not only sitcom-gradesquabbles, but possibly even dark-night-of-the-soul despair.


That doesn’t mean they are doomed to divorce, just that it’s unlikely they will be each other’sbest friend every single minute forever. And that while it’s good to aim high, it’s quite probablethey will let each other down many times in ways both petty and profound that in this blissfulmoment they can’t even fathom.


But I would go on to say (had I not by that point been thrown out of the banquet hall): Epicfailure is part of being human, and it’s definitely part of being married. It’s part of what beingalive means, occasionally screwing up in expensive ways. And that’s part of what marriagemeans, sometimes hating this other person but staying together because you promised youwould. And then, days or weeks later, waking up and loving him again, loving him still.


Finally, nearly two hours after my husband’s original flight left, I texted him to ask if he wasstill on hold.


“We just got in a cab,” he replied. “Flying Air Wisconsin, baby!”

“我们刚上出租车,”他回复说,“搭乘威斯康星航空公司(Air Wisconsin)的航班,宝贝!”

“Did you have to pay for the tickets again?” I texted.


The phone was silent. In that quiet moment, sitting in my hotel room, I found myselfdaydreaming about the one-bedroom apartment looking out onto Powderhorn Park. Afterwaking up alone, I would brew some coffee, switch on one of my many ceiling fans, grab arobe from my largest cedar closet and head for my breakfast nook.


“Nope,” he wrote back.


And suddenly I was back in the bigger place on the cheaper side of the park. My family wascoming to join me. And I was glad.


