






英 ['ləʊɡəʊ] 美 ['loʊɡoʊ]


Banners at our expo booth will sport our logo and slogan.


The letterhead was impressed with the company's logo.


The hotel uses a small pine tree as its logo.


The team's logo was emblazoned on the baseball caps.


I chose to do a graphic logo for this example.



Stationery can be imprinted with your message or logo 可以把你的信息或标志印在信纸上。

We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals 我们的徽标用了小写字母,没用大写。

You can use the logo in all your promotional material 你们可以将这个标志用在所有的宣传材料中。

Draw a rough design for a logo 画一个公司标志的草图。

baseball caps emblazoned with the team's logo 饰有球队标识的棒球帽

The Longman logo, a small sailing ship, is on the cover of this book 本书的封面上印有朗文公司的小帆船标志

No logo or special designs are to be attached to the fascia 招牌上不允许有商标或者特殊的设计。

Let's design a web site that only has the Insanity logo 我们来设计一个网站,上头只有《疯狂》的商标

Then, put the logo in magazines and on billboards without telling anyone whatit means 接着我们把这个商标刊在杂志和广告看板上,却不跟任何人透漏它的涵意

Any team using an inappropriate name or logo also excluded 任何参赛队的不适当名字和logo也被禁止

Hitman Logo on Main Menu could disappear at 1280x72 0 resolution 对在1280X720分辨率下,光头的logo会消失做出修正

I ended up tracing it from an existing WordPress logo 最后我从WORDPRESS的LOGO力 找到了一个现成的

Logo included that contains more than 2,000 objects and clip art gallery 附带包含2000多个Logo对象和剪贴画的图库

Some wonder what's so difficult about creating a good logo 一些人产生疑问:创造一个好的logo最难的是什么呢?

Make your logo easy to remember and prominent 使你的logo看上去清晰可辨、效果凸显

If Central Committee Television earliest image LOGO is the electronic graphchange path 如中央电视台最早的形象LOGO是 电子图形的变动轨迹

Number of fingerprint identification data, which have PBA, LOGO, thecontents of a single landing 一些指纹识别的资料, 里面有PBA, LOGO, 单一登陆等内容

Logo Design your logo to match your website Make your logo easy toremember and prominent Logo——设计一个与你的网站相匹配的logo 使你的logo看上去清晰可辨、效果凸显

In the detail, receives design custom, product model logo and performancemarking in corner clearly discernible 细节上, 秉承的设计习惯, 产品的型号logo和性能标识在边角上清晰可见

Ask big LOGO of number Kuang Wei colour Gao Bang canvas shoes LOGOto be blue? 求货号匡威粉色高帮帆布鞋又大LOGO的 LOGO是蓝色的?

