




①you and I

②he and I

③you and he

④you, he and I

⑤you, they and we(情况多)

2、It 的用法

① 代替this, that

That’s a book, isn’t it ?

② 做某动作的人或婴儿

---Someone is coming. Who can it be ?

---It may be Jack.

It’s a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl?


It’s 20 miles to (from) Paris.

3、简略回答中用so, not, it 的情况


think, hope, believe, I’m afraid, It seems (appears), etc.

---Is it true that he had a heart attack?

---I’m afraid so. / I believe so. / It seems so.


---Has Anne got into university?

---I’m afraid not. / I think not. / It seems not.


believe, think, suppose, expect, etc

I don’t believe so. / I don’t think so.


do后常用so / it:

---Please lay the table.

---I’ve just done so (it).:


1、every each

①every指时间: every other day,

every three days = every third day


We each have a book.


She gave her children an apple each.

2、some- any- every- no-

①作单数看: Is there anyone here who is a doctor?

②不与 of 连用:

不说 someone of; no one of. etc

可说 some one of; none of, etc.

③+ adj. / to do (vt.): Is there anything for me to sit on ?

④+ else: This isn’t mine. It’s someone else’s.

3、some any


Would you like some (more) coffee ?

②some + n.(singl.)

You will realize it some day.


Any child can answer that.

Give me a plate. Any one (plate) will do.

④any (some) of + 限定词 + n.

some of the oil , any of my water

4、both all


● The girls are both ready.

● --- Are you ready ? --- Yes, we both (all) are.


He gave some to us all (both).


●All is lost.

● All are here.

5、either neither

① either…or; neither…nor 作主语,谓语的使用是邻近原则

Neither he nor I am going to London.


Neither (Either) book is satisfactory.

6、another (the) other (the) others

①another 另外的,另一个的

Please show me another (one).

Do you need another cup ?

②another + 基数词(few) + n.

I need another three days. (three more days)

③(the) other (+ n.) (the) other

the other six (persons) / the others / the other day

7、(a) few (a) little

① few 的搭配

●We had a good few letter this morning(很多).

●Not a few letters were written to the magazines. (不少)

● ---How many do you want ?

---Just a few, please. (不多)

quite a few (相当多)

only a few (只有几个,几乎没有)

② little 的搭配

●There’s only a little soup left.

● ---How much do you want ?

---Just a little, please.

8、much many

①(much /far) too much far too many

Your son got much (far) too much pocket money.

There are far too many accidents at this crossing.




There’s much / far less water in the river than usual.

many修饰“比较级 + 可数 名词复数”

There are many / far more people than I expected.



neither nothing no one nobody none

②not与all, both, every, every- 连用时表示部分否定

Not all his work is successful.


1、or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also连接并列主语时,谓语与邻近主语一致

Not only she but also I am going there.

2、as well as, (together) with,,along with连接并列主语时,谓语与前面主语一致

Dr. Smith (together) with his two sons is going Paris.

3、there be 中主语并列时,可随紧挨 be 的词一致或用复数

There is (are) a boy and two girls in the room.

NOTICE: There is a pair of trousers here.

4、both, many, several, few作主语时,谓语用复数

Few are here this morning.


Two feet isn’t long enough.


① My father and mother are away on business.

② The worker and writer is from Paris.

③ The worker and the writer are from Paris.

④ Bread and butter is a daily food in the West.

⑤ Every (Each, No) desk and every (each, no) chair is made of wood.

⑥one and a half 后面应接复数名词,但其谓语动词应用单数。

7、the + adj. (-ing, -ed)表示一类人,谓语用复数;表示一类事物,谓语用单数

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer in many countries.

8、Neither (of), Either (of), Each (of)作主语,谓语用单数

Neither of them is a driver.

9、any-, every-, some- no-作主语,谓语用单数

Is everybody here ?


To see is to believe.

What I have done is what I should do.

11. all of, some of, any of, most of, none of, plenty of, percent of, half of 等作主语,根据 of 后的词决定

the houses are on show.

Most of

the work has been done.

the students are girls.

Ninety percent of the money is hers.

12. kind of + n., 由kind 决定

This kind of apples is very good.

→ Apples of this kind are very good.

13. Such (倒装)

Such is what he said. → Such are his words.

14. east, west, south, north的倒装

East of the city is (lies) a lake. (are / lie two lakes)

15. 强调句中 It’s I who am going to Japan.

16. 定语从句中 I, who am a student, will be a doctor.

17.a great deal of ( a large amount of , a large quantity of , a lot of ) + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。

18.a number of , ( a large quantity of , a lot of ) + 可数名词的复数,谓语动词用复数。但the number of +主语,其谓语动词用单数。

19.代词 none, neither 作主语时,主要根据说话人的意思来决定。

20. 一些只有复数形式的词作主语时( clothes , trousers , shoes , ...),谓语动词应用复数形式;但前面有a pair of 修饰时,则用单数。

21. 关系词who, that , which 引起的定语从句中的谓语动词应该与先行词在数和人称取得一致。但one of + 复数名词 + that从句。从句的谓语动词应用复数,而the ( only ) one of +复数名词 + that 从句,从句的谓语动词应用单数。

22. 以what 引起的主语从句 the rest , the remainder 等引起的主语,谓语动词按意思一致的原则处理。

