




amusement park

网 络amusement park;playground;fun fair;fairground



Children love amusement parks very much.


What is your favorite ride at the amusement park?



I mentally began to turn our den and patio into a school room and play yard.


The governor took the initiative in closing the amusement park to cars.


How can we get to the amusement park?


The square has evolved into an amusement park over the last thirty years.


What are some of the most popular amusement parks in your city?


Roller coasters are the main attraction at this amusement park.

1. Children find Lake George Village a wonderland of amusement parks. 孩子们觉得乔治湖村是个绝妙的游乐园。

2. Her other business interests include a theme park in Scandinavia and hotels in the West Country. 她其他的公司股权包括斯堪的纳维亚的一个主题游乐园和英格兰西南部的几家酒店。

3. Last night we went to the amusement park. 昨天晚上,我们去了游乐园.

4. Don't get antsy, kids. We'll reach the amusement park soon. 孩子们,别心急, 我们就快到游乐园了.

5. What are some of the most popular amusement parks in your city? 城里哪几个游乐园最受欢迎?

6. The governor took the initiative in closing the amusement park to cars. 州长首倡汽车不得进入游乐园.

7. Tom has been to an amusement park in addition to Dave. 除了大卫外汤姆也去过了游乐园.

8. There are many different kinds of rides in this amusement park. 这个游乐园有各种各样的游乐设施.

9. Don't antsy, kids. We'll reach the amusement park soon. 孩子们,别心急, 我们就“快 ” 到游乐园了.

10. Another secret behind a perfect day at the park a well - trained staff. 在游乐园渡过完美的一天的另一个秘诀是 训练有素 的工作人员.

11. The advantage we have is we've done about 40 parks. 我们已经为大概40多个游乐园提供了服务.

12. Huis Ten Boch is an amusement park near Nagasaki in Japan. 豪斯登堡是位于日本长崎附近的游乐园.

13. A long palm tree - lined driveway leads to the park. 一条两边栽满棕榈树的道路通向游乐园.

14. The psychologists also presented people with the names amusement rides. 心理学家还向人们展示了游乐园各种娱乐项目的名称.

15. The amusement park exploded firecrackers to celebrate the Double Tenth. 游乐园燃放烟火庆祝我国国庆.

16. This loyal guide dog accompanied Magritte to the amusement park. 这个忠诚的导盲犬陪伴玛格丽特去了游乐园.

17. The Tivoli Gardens are famous around the world as an amusement park. 第凡尼乐园是举世闻名的游乐园.

18. Disneyland is an park, but we also call it a theme park. 迪斯尼是一个游乐园, 但我们也可以把它称为主题公园.

19. Xiaojun's father takes him to the amusement park every week. 小军的爸爸每周都会带小军去游乐园玩.

20. The world's largest theme park is Walt Disney Words, near Orlando. 世界最大的游乐园就在奥兰多城市边上-迪斯尼乐园.

